

The following section provides information about the steps to download and install the OMi MP for Microsoft Azure 2.20.

Installation Prerequisites

The following are the installation prerequisites for OMi MP for Microsoft Azure 2.20:

Server Requirement

Component Version
Operations Manager i (OMi) 10.12 or later
OMi MP for Infrastructure 2.00 or later

Managed Node Requirement

Component Version
Microsoft Windows 2012, 2012R2
Operations Agent 12.01 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Make sure that the node has all updates installed.

Azure Powershell Module


Azure RM Powershell Module


Azure .publishsettings file


This file contains the subscription certification information for the Azure Classic.

Azure Stack Monitoring Prerequisite

Note Make sure that the managed nodes are different for Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Azure Stack monitoring.

The following are the prerequisites for Azure Stack:

  1. Create service principal

    To create service principal for the Azure Stack Subscription, follow these steps:

    1. Log on to Azure Cloud Portal with the account which has access to directory used to deploy Azure Stack.

    2. Create the service principal by performing the steps described in the following link:

    3. Log on to the Azure Stack Admin Portal and assign the application to role.

    4. Select the Subscription to be assigned to the application and then select Access Control (IAM).

    5. In the new pane displayed, select Add.

    6. Select the Contributor Role to assign to the application.

    7. Search for your application, and select it.

    8. Select Save to finish assigning the role.

  2. Managed node Readiness for Monitoring Azure Stack

    1. Import the Root CA so that the managed node is able to connect to the Azure Stack setup.

    2. Install Azure Stack powershell tool kit to connect to Azure Stack from the Managed node using powershell:

      1. Install the powershell modules for AzureRM and Azure Stack and run the following powershell cmdlets:

        Install-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 2.1.0
        Install-Module -Name AzureRm.BootStrapper
        Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 2017-03-09-profile
        Install-Module -Name AzureStack -RequiredVersion 1.2.9
      2. Download the Azure Stack Tool Set from the following location:

      3. Run the following powershell cmdlet to download the tools archive:

        invoke-webrequest -OutFile

      4. Run the following powershell cmdlet to expand the downloaded files:

        expand-archive -DestinationPath . -Force

      5. Change the directory to the tools master:

        cd AzureStack-Tools-master

        Mention the path of the AzureStack tools master in AZURESTACK_TOOLSPATH parameter when you deploy the Microsoft Azure Stack Discovery aspect.

      6. Set the execution policy:

        Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

    3. Download nuget.exe and place it in the %ovdatadir%bin\instrumentation folder.

    4. Extract the in %ovdatadir%bin\instrumentationfolder and run the following command:

      cd %ovdatadir%bin\instrumentation NugetPackageDownloader.cmd

Prerequisite for Azure Monitoring

Make sure that the managed nodes are different for Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Azure Stack monitoring.

Following prerequisites must be met to discover and monitor the resource for multiple subscriptions:

  1. Create Service Principal (by registering an application in the Azure Active Directory (AAD)) and assign to the Subscription (to be discovered and monitored) with Contributor role access.

    Make note of service principal credentials which will be required for deploying aspects and management template.

    For monitoring the Azure Resource Manager VMs, the AAD application user must have a Contributor role for the subscription.

    For more information about how to create AAD application with required privilege, see documentation for Microsoft Azure.

  2. On the managed node, you must download the latest version of NuGet (nuget.exe file). Copy the nuget.exe file and place it under the Instrumentation folder available at %ovdatadir%\bin\instrumentation .

  3. Extract the content of file (available with Azure MP content pack in Unified Marketplace) to Instrumentation folder on the managed node.
  4. Open the Command Prompt and run NugetPackageDownloader.cmd script.
  5. Follow the steps to enable the scripting options in the Internet Explorer. This will enable communication between agent and Azure cloud.

    1. Click the Tools > Internet Options.
    2. In the Security tab, click Custom Level button.
    3. Enable the following options under corresponding groups:

      ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow Scriplet and Allow ActiveX Filtering

      Scripting: Active Scripting

      Scripting: Scripting of Java applets

    4. Click OK.
  6. To verify if the connection is established between the Operations Agent and the Azure cloud, run the following command from Powershell prompt:

    Login-AzureRMAccount or Add-AzureRmAccount