Using the knowledgecreator.log file

After running document import (either runDocumentImport.bat or, examine the knowledgecreator.log file. Correct any file errors noted, and then re-run the import, if desired.

The end of the file contains the following import statistics:

-Imported Documents...................: 4008
-Skipped Documents.....................: 12
-Reject Documents.......................: 4
-Imported Attachments.................: 1
-Skipped Attachments...................: 4

Skipped files include any non-xml files that are left in the import folder. For example, an error such as "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup." indicates that the XML probably contains special characters that could not be parsed.

You can edit and correct the files that were skipped and re-run the import.

If the meta data for any imported file contains a field that was not defined in the kmdocument data dictionary (dbdict), then this field's value was not imported. The log file lists any undefined fields. You can add the field to the kmdocument dbdict and re-run the import to populate the field's value.