Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting: Event Services

Troubleshooting: Event Services

The problems and solutions described in the troubleshooting section provide some assistance with configuring and using Event Services. In some cases the problem described may not match exactly the problem you are experiencing, but your problem may be exhibiting similar symptoms. In these case parts of the solutions described may be useful in resolving the issue you are having.

Troubleshooting: Having incident events processed separately

Can I have my incident events processed separately, so they are not held up by other events?

  1. Copy the event agent to a new agent called (for example) probevent.
  2. Copy the associated info record, substituting probevent for event.
  3. Modify the query field for the event agent to read evtype~#"pm".
  4. Modify the query field for the probevent agent to read evtype#"pm".

Troubleshooting: Sending test notifications to external programs after installing SCAuto

To send a test notification of a new device to my external program after installing SCAuto:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Communication Utilities > Write an Output Event.
  2. Select Configuration Management.
  3. Click Write Event.
  4. Note the event type.
  5. Click Queues > Output Event.
  6. Search for an event with a event code of icma.

    The Event Services Output Queue should include the test item you generated.

Troubleshooting: No problems opening with pmo records in Event Input queue

Why are no problem records opening, even though there are pmo records in the Event Input queue?

To troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Verify the records in the queue have processed. If the records have processed, there should be no Event Time value.
    • The Status field should contain a value.
    • Any messages should appear in the Messages field.
  2. Verify there is an active event agent.
    • In the event agent, the Stop button should be enabled and a start time and an idle time should appear.
    • Click the Refresh button to reset the idle time to 00:00:00. It should begin increasing again.
    • If the Start button is enabled and there is no start and idle time, click Start and wait until the problem agent recycles.
  3. Verify the following, and then wait for the event processor to recycle:
    • The event schedule record exists.
    • The Class field has a value of event.
    • The Status field has a value of rescheduled.
  4. If there is an active event agent, check the Event Registration table.
    • Are there entries for Event pmo with a Type of input?
    • Is the Execute Condition true?
    • Verify the content of the pmo registration.
  5. Verify there are event maps matching the Event Map Name values in the registration record. The same rules apply to all event types, not just pmo.
  6. Verify that you have provided an active category.

Troubleshooting: Not receiving email after opening a problem

Why am I not receiving email even after installing Service Manager and opening a problem?

To troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Verify you are a member of the assignment group for the problem. If not, you will not receive notification of any kind.
  2. Determine whether you are attempting to send email to yourself when you open a problem.
    Service Manager does not send email to the individual who is opening, updating or closing a problem, regardless of their membership in the assignment group.
  3. Log on to Service Manager as someone else.
  4. Open a new problem.
  5. Determine whether the operator to whom you are sending email has an email address specified in his or her operator record.
  6. Ensure it is correct.
  7. Check the Message Class file for External Email records.
  8. Is there one for problem open?
  9. If not, add one.
  10. Verify there are records in the event output queue with a type of email.
  11. If so, determine whether the JavaMail agent or another email agent is active.

    Use Agent Status to:

    • Check that in the event agent, the Stop button should be enabled, and a start time and an idle time should appear.
    • Click the Refresh button to reset idle time to 00:00:00. It should begin increasing again.
    • If the Start button is enabled and there is no start and idle Time, click Start and wait until the problem agent recycles.
  12. Determine if there is an output type event registration record for email.
  13. If the JavaMail agent or another email agent is active and you still do not receive mail, stop the agent.
  14. Open a problem and check the event output queue for new events with a type of email.
  15. If a new email event is added to the queue, restart the JavaMail agent or another email agent.
    When the email has been sent, the event is deleted only if the keepmail parameter is turned off.

Note Always check the Service Manager Message Log and any external log files for errors. All SCAutomate errors are logged with a class of event management errors.

Troubleshooting: Sending email only when opening emergency problems

How can I only send email when I open problems with a priority code of emergency?

To solve this problem:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > External Email Message Class.
  2. Remove any External Email record for problem open.
  3. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Macros.
  4. Select the incidents macro that sends the email.
  5. Change the Condition field value to:
    nullsub(priority.code in $, "")="1"

Troubleshooting: Setting the category for incidents opened using email

How do I set the category for my message when I am opening problems via email?

  1. Put each field assignment on a separate line in your mail message, uniquely identified by a label.
  2. Use mapping expressions to extract the information and populate the appropriate fields in the incident.

    The mail message looks like this:
    Fri, 12 Jan 05 14:40:41 -08:00
    Re: Test to assign a category
    John Jones <>
    CATEGORY: example
    This is line 1 of the text of mail. This is line 2 of the text of mail.
  3. In the eventin record, the evfields should appear as follows:

    xjohn^^^^Fri, 12 Jan 01 14:40:41 -08:00|Re: Test to assign a
    category|John Jones<>|CATEGORY:
    example||This is line 1 of the text of mail.|This is line 2
    of the text of mail.|^^^^^^^^^^^^^John Jones
  4. In the problem open event map record for the category field, enter the following Initialization statements:

    $axtype=type in $
    if (index("axmail", evuser in $axces)>0) then $axtype=type
    in $
    if (index("axmail", evuser in $axces)>0) then
    ($ax.action=denull(action in $;$axl=lng($ax.action))
    if (index("axmail", evuser in $axces)>0) then for $axpos = 1 to $axl
    do ($axt=$axpos in $ax.action;if $axt#"CATEGORY
    then ($axtype=substr($axt, 10, lng($axt) - 9);
    $ax.action=delete($ax.action, $axpos);
    action in $$ax.action))
  5. Enter the following Instructions:

    if (index("axmail", evuser in $axces)>0) then category in

This procedure (substituting other field names) allows specification of any incident field values within the body of the email message as long as the map record in which the instructions are entered has a higher sequence number than that of the action (or update.action) field.

Troubleshooting: Verify mail sent to myself was received

How do I know that mail sent to myself was received?

To troubleshoot this problem:

Click Mail > All Mail.

Your message should appear in the list of email messages.

Troubleshooting: Sending test reports to external programs after installing SCAuto

To test sending an incident report to my external program once SCAuto/SDK is installed:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Communication Utilities > Write an Output Event.
  2. Select Incident Management.
  3. Click Write Event.
  4. Note the incident number.
  5. Click Queues > Output Event.
  6. Search for an event with a event code of pmo.

    The Event Services Output Queue should include the test incident report you generated.