Release Notes > Enhancements


The following table lists the enhancements that were implemented in UCMDB and UD 11.0.

Global ID Module Enhancement request Solution



Data related modules This is a request for the capability to disable history for specific CI types, such as user_software_utilization, processes, and installed_software. Implemented the enhancement by introducing a new CI type qualifier CIT_NOT_TRACKED_FOR_HISTORY and adding it to the desired CITs to enable the capability to disable saving history events to history tables for specific CITs. For details, see How to Disable History for Specific Object CITs in the UCMDB online help.



This is a request to add documentation about altering the database to turn snapshots on right for the user rights. Added the requested information into the documentation.
QCCR1H115466 Documentation Currently there is no detailed description available about how to monitor UCMDB server health with a monitoring solution (like OM for example). Added a white paper about UCMDB server health monitoring with KM03030223.
QCCR1H115859 Documentation This is a request to add an Entity Relationship Model to the UCMDB documentation.

A detailed UCMDB Data Model documentation specific to the Content Pack version and UCMDB version is now available. For details, see the Content Pack documentation (Discovery and Integrations Content Help > Develop > Universal Data Model (UDM)).

To access the UCMDB Data Model spreadsheet, go to

To access the HTML version of the UCMDB Data Model, go to

QCCR1H115848 Documentation This is a request to document the deleteUnboundHistoryTables JMX method in the JMX Reference Guide. Enhanced the History DB Services JMX Methods by adding description about the deleteUnboundHistoryTables JMX method.
QCCR1H116782 Documentation

Instructions for enabling SSL for server in the Hardening Guide are not clear.

Step 1 instructs to export the UCMDB certificate, but does not specify which certificate. It should clearly mention either self-signed or Signing Authority signed certificate.

Enhanced the Hardening section to provide clear instructions.
QCCR1H116907 Documentation Usage of the changeUCMDBUserRepositoryPriority JMX method is not documented. Documented the usage of changeUCMDBUserRepositoryPriority in the Hardening section .
QCCR1H117529 Documentation This is a request to align the REST API documentation with the current web.xml structure. Updated the Developer Reference section accordingly.
QCCR1H117527 Documentation This is a request to add Oracle ASO configuration reference to UCMDB Deployment Guide. Added reference to Oracle ASO configuration in the Universal CMDB Deployment Guide.
QCCR1H120343 Documentation This is a request to provide a way to distinguish different datasources for reconciliation purpose when both UCMDB data push and OMi have the same changer value as UCMDB. Added documentation about how to enable reconciliation priority for UCMDB data push integrations. For details, see How to Work with Data Push Jobs in UCMDB Help.
QCCR1H113728 Enterprise Readiness This is a request for the capability of installing a probe on Linux without the root privilege.

It is now possible to install and run Data Flow Probe and probe database on Linux using a non-root user account for integration purpose. This capability is applicable to union mode regular Data Flow Probe. After the probe installation is complete, it requires manual registration of probe service with root account privileges. With non-root user account, you can run the probes installed using the non-root user account only.

For detailed instructions about how to install a probe using a non-root user account, see the "Data Flow Probe - Linux Installation" section in the Universal CMDB Deployment Guide.

QCCR1H119924 Enterprise Readiness UCMDB always deploys or upgrades the embedded PostgreSQL in \UCMDB\UCMDBServer\PostgreSQL\, even if Microsoft SQL server, Oracle, or an external PostgreSQL database was configured during fresh install. Implemented the enhancement to the code logic, so that deploying or upgrading embedded PostgreSQL is skipped if users select MSSQL, Oracle, or an external PostgreSQL as DB type during fresh install of UCMDB.
QCCR1H111896 Integration The Cmdb10xAdapter push adapter does not run with success, and chunk overflow RuntimeException is thrown due to a large topology being pushed in the same chunk. Enhanced the Cmdb10xAdapter adapter by adding a new adapter setting allow.chunk.size.over.limit with the default value true (UCMDB UI > Adapter Manager > Cmdb10xAdapter > Edit Adapter Source). This is useful if the chunk size after the split is larger than the data push chunk size setting. It will send the data even though the limit is breached, because cases happen that a component from a TQL query result cannot be split into a chunk smaller then the push chunk size setting and then the data push operation will try to send it even though the size is larger.
QCCR1H100657 Platform This is a request for the Stops the selected job button to end stuck push jobs. Currently, clicking the button only generates a message in the synchronizer log. Two extra checks were added to the INITIALIZING state area when the push job checks for differences between the current run and the previous run of the job.
QCCR1H114230 Platform Support for pagination in the REST APIs should be added to UCMDB. Added support for pagination in REST APIs in UCMDB.
QCCR1H117489 Platform This is request to add in the UCMDB server startup.log a line which shows the current time, date and time zone of the machine. Implemented the enhancement by adding a log message in startup log.
QCCR1H118251 Platform This is a request to document the recommended value per deployment type. Enhanced the documentation by adding recommended values for for different deployment type in both the Universal CMDB Deployment Guide and the Database section.
QCCR1H118692 Platform This is a request for UCMDB to have a switch to disable the use of the REFERRALS property for LDAP. A global setting settings.ldap.use.referrals is added with the default value of true to preserve the current functionality. This setting is valid for all configured LDAP servers and, after changing it, a reboot of the UCMDB server is necessary for the change to take effect. The retrieved value for this setting will be logged in cmdb.dal.server log when this is set on DEBUG.
QCCR1H103472 Server This is a request for the UCMDB’s Oracle DB to support multi-tenant architecture and to enable it to be a multi-tenant container database (CDB). For the UCMDB Server to work on Oracle Container Database, the SupportLinks setting for Data Direct drivers should be set to true. For details, see "How to Enable UCMDB to Work on Oracle Container Database (CDB)".
QCCR1H105523 Server The Oracle ASO implementation in UCMDB only supports SHA-1. However, Oracle ASO supports SHA-2. This is a request for Oracle ASO implementation in UCMDB to support SHA-2 or better. Oracle ASO implementation in UCMDB supports SHA-2.
QCCR1H116122 Server This is a request for the global ID generator to have an option to keep the existing IDs on start-up if they are OK. Added the possibility to keep CIs which already have a global ID.
QCCR1H117337 Server Unable to successfully invoke rebuildModelDBSchemaAndViews and rebuildModelViews to fix RTSM model issues. Documented that replication should be disabled in case CP is upgraded.
QCCR1H117757 Server This is a request not to generate warning messages in the error.log file. Implemented an enhancement so that now warning messages do not appear in the error.log file, and they are logged in another file.
QCCR1H118284 Server This is a request to create a setting or to use existing one to disable API and DAL statistics similar to URM or operation. Added a setting to disable statistics for API and DAL operations.
QCCR1H118283 Server This is a request to have the possibility to show CPU usage per thread in UCMDB. Added a new JMX method that can show for a short timeframe which UCMDB thread uses the most CPU.
QCCR1H118471 Server This is a request for the capability of monitoring the availability of the REST API services, preferably without requiring authentication. Implemented the Availability Information REST API to provide information about REST API services availability.
QCCR1H118724 Server Users organization experienced frequent switching of the Writer UCMDB Server in their cluster of 4.

Added the following note in the "Installing the UCMDB Server - Pre-Installation Considerations" section of the Universal CMDB Deployment Guide:

For standard and enterprise level UCMDB deployments, it is recommended to disable the out-of-the-box (OOTB) enrichment scheduler SoftwareElementDisplayLabel for enrichment SoftwareElementDisplayLabelForExistingHost (or any scheduler that uses this enrichment). For such environments, if the enrichment runs triggered by the scheduler, it uses more memory while running and may trigger out-of-memory exceptions, or when these big objects are cleared from the memory heap by the garbage collection (GC), it may trigger long FULL GC which may restart UCMDB if HIGH availability is configured.If there is a business need to populate node names to running software CIs container Name attribute then the enrichment SoftwareElementDisplayLabelPopulator can be used instead. Basically enrichments SoftwareElementDisplayLabelForExistingHost, SoftwareElementDisplayLabelForNewHost, and SoftwareElementDisplayLabelPopulator will all update the container Name of running software CIs. There is no need to run all of them.

QCCR1H28571 UI This is a request for the capability to enable taking a pattern view and applying perspectives on top of it. Implemented login and UI to support this capability in version 11.0 UCMDB Browser.
QCCR1H33393 UI This is a request for UCMDB to perform authentication using the windows user ID with which the user has logged in, instead of displaying a login screen. SAML2 login is implemented for the UCMDB UI.
QCCR1H35054 UI This is a request for the capability to run Get Related CIs of federated CIs. This is already implemented in 11.0. Users can specify from which data store to retrieve the Related CIs.
QCCR1H35300 UI This is a request for adding paging to the result set display for a view when the list of CIs returned may be very large. The New UI View consumption component implemented in version 11.0 UCMDB Browser allows visualization of large view using chunking mechanism.
QCCR1H93881 UI This is a request to enable the "Enable Related CI's retrieval" option in "IT Universe Manager" > "Related CIs" pane for users by default after login. In the Get Related widget in UCMDB Browser, the Enable Related CI's retrieval option is enabled for users by default. It is recommended to use the Get Related widget in UCMDB Browser instead.
QCCR1H94419 UI After selecting two CIs of the same type, the Merge CIs option on the menu grayed out. The enhancement was already implemented in UCMDB version 10.31 by granting proper permissions to the Merge CI action. Now the Merge CIs menu item works properly.
QCCR1H113902 UI This is a request to improve the Hardening Guide for UCMDB 10.31 to incorporate clear details about LDAP authentication.

This was already implemented in version 10.33 as part of the new LDAP Manager module. The user can import/export the already existing LDAP configurations easily, they are all in one place. You can access the LDAP Manager documentation here:

QCCR1H113963 UI When logging in the UCMDB, the “CMDB” value is pre-selected. This is a request for the capability to add the LDAP / active domain name as a pre-selected value. This is implemented in 10.33. The user repository is set as part of the username field. Check the documentation here: Hybrid User Management with Multiple User Repositories.
QCCR1H117050 UI This is a request to add a warning message to the UI that is displayed if you try to set value of security.user.password.expirt.
too high.
Added a check whether the number of days being set for password expiry is greater than 36525 (that is, one year).
QCCR1H81651 Universal Discovery CIs should only be deleted from the target only when they are actually deleted from the source.

Implemented the enhancement to allow you to decide whether you want to run Delta Synchronization to push CIs to target systems or not based on the attributes defined in a TQL query layout. This means that if the last_modified_time attribute is changed but no other attributes from the layout is changed, then the CI will not be sent to the target system. If you have an attribute changed from the TQL query layout, then the CI will be sent.

For more details, see How to Enable Delta Synchronization Based on TQL Query Layout.

QCCR1H119997 Universal Discovery Repeat time for inventory discovery is depended on the “Include Virtualization Topology” check box on the "New/Edit Inventory Discovery Activity > Virtualization Page". If not selected, the custom repeat time you set on the "Schedule Deployment Page" will not be saved, and only two activity jobs are enabled.

Enhanced the documentation about the Include Virtualization Topology setting on the "New/Edit Inventory Discovery Activity > Virtualization Page".

Select this setting if you need to set custom repeat time for the inventory discovery activities. Otherwise the repeat time you set on the "Schedule Deployment Page" will not be saved, and only two activity jobs are enabled.