CI Reconciliation

CI reconciliation is done on ServiceNow side using the following approach:

  1. For CIs the reconciliation is done on correlation_id field (or a custom ServiceNow field) . UCMDB CI global_id property must be mapped to this field in the mapping file.
  2. For relations the reconciliation is done on parent and child fields. In ServiceNow these fields need to have the sys_id values of parent and child records respectively. However, since UCMDB CIs don’t have sys_id values but have global_id values the additional step is performed by adapter in order to successfully map UCMDB relation to ServiceNow relation:

    1. For push job in mapping files UCMDB global_id values of the parent and child CIs need to be mapped to relation parent and child fields. The adapter deduces the sys_id values based on these global_id (mapped to correlation_id or to a custom ServiceNow field) values prior to pushing the relations to ServiceNow.
    2. For population job in mapping files the relation parent and child fields contain the global_id (mapped to correlation_id or to a custom ServiceNow field) values of the parent and child CIs in UCMDB. The adapter takes care of this sys_id-correlation_id translation internally.