Sample Integration Push Query

The following image displays a sample query “SNOW Windows Push 2.0” to be pushed to ServiceNow:

Windows Server CIT is marked as Root, so it is a starting point.

The following mapping file is created ServiceNowGenericAdapter/mappings/push/SNOW Windows Push 2.0.xml and this is how it looks like in the Graphic Mapping Tool:

Note how the structure of the mapping file follows the hierarchy in the TQL query.

There are some details that needs to be explained regarding the “For” loop:

When pushing data to ServiceNow, we need to use Inbound Services, in this case ucmdb_integ_ci_network_adapter for pushing CIs of Interface CI Type. In ServiceNow ucmdb_integ_ci_network_adapter there is a reference pointing to ServiceNow Server table and because of that, it needs to have value of Windows Server global_id. That way we keep that reference across solution. Observe similar thing for IP address (it points to the Interface).