Use > Hardening > Data Flow Probe Hardening > Use an Existing Certificate for Two-Way SSL in Agent Driven Inventory Discovery

Use an Existing Certificate for Two-Way SSL in Agent Driven Inventory Discovery

This task describes how to use an existing certificate for two-way SSL in Agent Driven Inventory Discovery. To do so,

  1. Save the public certificate as the adicert.pem file.

  2. Save the private key as the adikey.pem file.

  3. Import the Agent public certificate adicert.pem to Data Flow Probe Truststore by running the following command.

    <DataFlowProbe_Home>\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -keystore ProbeTrustStore.jks -file adicert.pem -alias smartagent -storepass logomania
  4. Create a folder named discoveryResources, copy adikey.pem and adicert.pem to this folder, and then create a new ZIP package of this folder.
  5. Import this package to UCMDB through Administration > Package Manager.
  6. Restart Data Flow Probe.
  7. Run the Install UD Agent or Upgrade UD Agent job so that the certificate can be uploaded to the target devices.

Related information

How to Deploy a Package