Use > Hardening > Data Flow Probe Hardening > Change Probe Installation Folder Privilege on Windows

Change UCMDB Server/Probe Installation Folder Privilege on Windows

Change UCMDB server installation folder privilege on Windows

When you have completed installing UCMDB server on a Windows machine, you can remove the Users group access privilege from the server installation folder <UCMDB_Server_InstallDir>.

Below is a command example for your reference:

CACLS commands ‘cacls <user_install_dir> /T /E /R Users’

Change probe installation folder privilege on Windows

When you have completed installing a probe on a Windows machine, you can remove the Users group access privilege from the probe installation folder <DataFlowProbe_InstallDir>.

Below is a command example for your reference:

CACLS commands ‘cacls <user_install_dir> /T /E /R Users’