Use > Hardening > Data Flow Probe Hardening > Change the aioptionrc File Permission for Agents or Scanners

Change the aioptionrc File Permission for Agents or Scanners

The /.discagent/aioptionrc file is world writable and its default permission is set to 666. If users use the –home option (for agent installation and scanner) to set the aioptionrc file path to a certain fixed directory, this file's default permission allows different users to run the inventory job automatically (sudo configured) or run the scanner manually.

To change the aioptionrc file permission for agents or scanners, do the following:

  1. Open the Post-Scan Script Editor.

    For details on how to access the Post-Scan Script Editor, see Pre/Post-Scan Script Editor.

  2. Add the chmod o-w ./aioptionrc command to the scanner’s post script for UNIX operating system.

    For details on how to edit the post-scan scripts, see How to Edit Pre-/Post-Scan Scripts.

  3. Results

    The file permission is changed, and the first user who installs the agent or runs the scanner is the only user.

    Note The owners and users in the same group have the same write permission for the file.