Use > Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > How to Build a New Pattern-based Model

How to Build a New Pattern-based Model

This task describes how to build a new pattern-based model which can serve as the basis for a perspective-based view.

  1. Define the New Model

    You define a new pattern-based model using the Pattern-based Model wizard. Click New and select Pattern Based Model.

    Note You cannot create a pattern-based model with an already existing name.

  2. Enter the Model Details

    On the first wizard page, select New Model. Then select a CI type for the model and enter the properties. For details, see Select CI Type Page.

  3. Select a TQL Query

    On the next wizard page, select a TQL query for the model. You can create a new TQL query or select an existing query from the tree. The TQL Query Editor opens with the selected query. For details, see Query Selection Page.

  4. Add Query Nodes and Relationships to a TQL Query

    Add the query nodes and relationships that define the query. For details on how to add query nodes and relationships to a TQL query, see How to Add Query Nodes and Relationships to a TQL Query.

  5. Set Output Query Nodes

    Select one or more query nodes in the TQL query to serve as output for the model by right-clicking them and selecting Add to Model Output. The query node is indicated by a small icon next to it.

  6. Save the Model

    When you are finished, save the model with a unique name. If you created a new TQL query, the query is also saved independently of the model and can be re-used as a regular TQL query.

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