Use > Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > How to Build a Perspective-based View Based on a Collection of CIs

How to Build a Perspective-based View Based on a Collection of CIs

This task describes how to build a view in the Modeling Studio based on a collection of CIs and a perspective.

  1. Create the New View

    In the Modeling Studio, click New and select Perspective Based View to open the Perspective-based View Editor. For details, see Perspective-based View Editor.

  2. Add CIs to the View

    In the CI Selector, search for the CIs you want to include in your view. Select them and drag them into the view. For details on the CI Selector, see CI Selector.

    Tip You can select more than one CI by holding the CTRL key while selecting CIs.

  3. Select a Perspective and Save the View

    In the Perspective pane, select perspectives to apply to your CI collection. Optionally, you can build a perspective chain by selecting perspectives for additional levels of the view creation. Rename the view and save it in the correct folder. For details, see Perspective-based View Editor.

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