Get Started > Configuration and Administration > Configure Multiple UCMDB Servers

Configure Multiple UCMDB Servers

It is possible to configure the UCMDB Browser to work with multiple UCMDB Servers. This is done by replicating the section <ucmdb_configuration>…</ucmdb_configuration> in the ucmdb_browser_config.xml file, as shown in the following example:

<ucmdb_configuration name="configuration-1">
<protocol>https</protocol> <host_name>ucmdb-server-1</host_name> <host_port>8443</host_port> <context_name>/</context_name>     <customer>         <customer_name>company_a</customer_name>          <customer_number>1</customer_number>      </customer> </ucmdb_configuration> <ucmdb_configuration name="configuration-2"> <protocol>https</protocol> <host_name>ucmdb-server-2</host_name> <host_port>8443</host_port> <context_name>/</context_name>     <customer>         <customer_name>company_b</customer_name>          <customer_number>6</customer_number>      </customer> </ucmdb_configuration>

There is no limit to the number of UCMDB Servers that you can add in this manner.


  • The value of the name attribute in each configuration (for example, configuration-1 or configuration-2 in the example above) is optional, but if it is defined it must be a unique value.
  • You can specify a default customer by name, ID, or both. If you include the <customer>...</customer> tag, you must provide details for it. On the login page of the UCMDB Browser, only the customer that you defined as the default customer for a particular UCMDB server will be visible in the drop-down list.
  • Configuring multiple UCMDB servers is not relevant to the embedded UCMDB Browser since the embedded UCMDB Browser can connect to only one server. For more information, see Multiple Customer Support for the Embedded UCMDB Browser.

For each configuration section, the customers for that UCMDB server are retrieved automatically at the moment that the application server starts, and a connection for each customer is formed using the value from the name attribute in the ucmdb_configuration tag (if the name attribute is not defined, the value from the host_name tag is used) and the name of the customer. All these connections appear in the drop-down list in the login screen. For example, in the case of the xml example above, if configuration-1 has two customers and configuration-2 has three customers, then the drop-down list will contain five connections, in the form of:

  • configuration-1 – CustomerName1
  • configuration-1 – CustomerName2
  • configuration-2 – CustomerName1
  • configuration-2 – CustomerName2
  • configuration-2 – CustomerName3

If the UCMDB server defined in configuration-2 is inaccessible, then the connection for it is still visible in the drop-down list (without any customer information), even if the user cannot login using that server. In that case, the list will contain the connections:

  • configuration-1 – CustomerName1
  • configuration-1 – CustomerName2
  • configuration-2

If only one server is available, then the server name does not appear in the connection name.

Caution If you have launched the UCMDB Browser with a given UCMDB server, you cannot open another instance of the UCMDB Browser with a different UCMDB server with the same web browser. You can, however, open another instance of the UCMDB Browser with a different UCMDB Server if you use a different web browser. For example, if you opened the UCMDB Browser with Internet Explorer with a given UCMDB server, you can open the UCMDB Browser using Google Chrome with another UCMDB server.

Note The same LW-SSO settings from the ucmdb_browser_lwsso_config.xml file are used for all UCMDB configurations.