Upgrade > Upgrade tasks > Recustomize CSA > Update and Redeploy the Service Manager Base Content Pack

Update and Redeploy the Service Manager Base Content Pack

During the CSA upgrade, make sure there are no apostrophe characters ( ' ' ) in any base content pack filename. If your content pack filename contains an apostrophe, the upgrade installation may fail.

Update and redeploy the oo10-sm-cp-1.0.3.jar base content pack. If you deployed an earlier version of the Service Manager base content pack, you must do the following (if this is a fresh installation of Operations Orchestration and you did not deploy an earlier version of the Service Manager base content pack, you do not have to complete these steps):

  1. Stop the Operations Orchestration services:


    1. On the server that hosts Operations Orchestration, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

    2. Right-click the HPE Operations Orchestration Central service and select Stop.

    3. If you installed the Remote Action Server (RAS), on all RAS systems (including localhost), navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

    4. Right-click the Operations Orchestration RAS service and select Stop.


    1. On the server that hosts Operations Orchestration, run the following command: <HPEOOinstallation>/central/bin/central stop

      For example, /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/bin/central stop

    2. If you installed the Remote Action Server (RAS), on all RAS systems (including localhost), run the following command: <HPEOOinstallation>/ras/bin/ras stop

      For example,

      /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/ras/bin/ras stop

  2. Clear the Operations Orchestration Central cache by deleting the following folder:


    For example,

    Windows: C:\Program Files\HPE\HP Operations Orchestration\central\var\cache

    Linux: /usr/local/hpe/csa/oo/central/var/cache

  3. If RAS is installed, clear the RAS artifact cache by deleting the following folder (on all RAS systems, including localhost):


    For example,

    Windows: C:\Program Files\HPE\HPE Operations Orchestration\ras\var\cache

    Linux: /usr/local/hpe/csa/oo/ras/var/cache

  4. Run the following SQL command against the Operations Orchestration database:

    DELETE from OO_ARTIFACTS where NAME = 'org/apache/ws/security/wss4j/1.5.7/wss4j-1.5.7.pom' or NAME = 'org/apache/ws/security/wss4j/1.5.7/wss4j-1.5.7.jar'

  5. Start the Operations Orchestration services:


    1. On the server that hosts Operations Orchestration, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

    2. Right-click the HPE Operations Orchestration Central service and select Start.

    3. If you installed the Remote Action Server (RAS), on all RAS systems (including localhost), navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

    4. Right-click the Operations Orchestration RAS service and select Start.


    1. On the server that hosts Operations Orchestration, run the following command: <HPEOOinstallation>/central/bin/central start

      For example, /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/bin/central start

    2. If you installed the Remote Action Server (RAS), on all RAS systems (including localhost), run the following command: <HPEOOinstallation>/ras/bin/ras start

      For example, /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/ras/bin/ras start

  6. Redeploy the oo10-sm-cp-1.0.3.jar base content pack:

    1. Log on to Operations Orchestration Central and click Content Management.

    2. Click the Content Packs tab.
    3. Click the Deploy New Content icon.
    4. In the Deploy New Content dialog, in the upper left corner, click the + (Add files for deployment) icon.
    5. Navigate to the CSA_HOME\oo\ooContentPack directory and select oo10-sm-cp-1.0.3.jar.

    6. Click Deploy.

      The deployment may take a few minutes and the dialog will show a progress bar.

    7. Click Close.