Upgrade > Upgrade tasks > Recustomize CSA > Update CSA Flows for Topology Designs

Update CSA Flows for Topology Designs

Install CSA flows for sequential designs and deploy a content pack for topology designs. If you have not installed flows for sequential designs before, you should configure Operations Orchestration for sequential designs instead. Refer to the Configure Operations Orchestration for Sequential Designs section in the Cloud Service Automation Configuration Guide for more information.

Deploy a Content Pack for Topology Designs

If you upgraded CSA that uses an existing external Operations Orchestration version 10.50, you must manually deploy a content pack for topology designs.

To deploy the content pack, do the following from the system on which CSA is installed:

  1. Log in to Operations Orchestration Central (version 10.50) and click the Content Management button.

  2. Click the Content Packs tab.
  3. Click the Deploy New Content icon.
  4. Click the Add files for deployment icon.
  5. Navigate to the Windows: %CSA_HOME%\Tools\ComponentTool\contentpacks\; or the Linux:$CSA_HOME/Tools/ComponentTool/contentpacks/ directory.

  1. Select the CSA-SA-CP-04.70.0000 content pack, and click Open.

    Note You do not need to select the other content packs in this directory. The other content packs were automatically deployed during the upgrade.

  2. Click Deploy.

    The deployment may take a few minutes and the dialog will show a progress bar.

  3. When the deployment succeeds, click Close to close the dialog.

Install CSA Flows for Sequential Designs

Install CSA flows on the system running Operations Orchestration:

  1. If CSA and Operations Orchestration are running on different systems, from the CSA system, copy the %CSA_HOME%\CSAKit-4.8\OO Flow Content\9X\CSA-4_10-ContentInstaller.jar file to the Operations Orchestration 9.07 system and %CSA_HOME%\CSAKit-4.8\OO Flow Content\10X\oo10-csa-cp-4.80.0002.000.jar$CSA_HOME/CSAKit-4.8/OO Flow Content/>9X/CSA-4_10-ContentInstaller.jar file to the Operations Orchestration 9.07 system and $CSA_HOME/CSAKit-4.8/OO Flow Content/10X/oo10-csa-cp-4.80.0002.000.jar file to the Operations Orchestration 10.20 system.

  2. On the system running Operations Orchestration, open a command prompt and change to the directory where the CSA-4_10-ContentInstaller.jar/oo10-csa-cp-4.80.0002.000.jar file is located.
  3. From the command prompt, run the following command:

    Windows (9.07): "<location_of_OO_jre>\bin\java" -jar CSA-4_10-ContentInstaller.jar -centralPassword <OOAdminPassword>
    Windows (10.20): "<location_of_OO_jre>\bin\java" -jar oo10-csa-cp-4.80.0002.000.jar -centralPassword <OOAdminPassword>

    Linux (9.07): <location_of_OO_jre>/bin/java -jar CSA-4_10-ContentInstaller.jar -centralPassword <OOAdminPassword>
    Linux (10.20): <location_of_OO_jre>/bin/java -jar oo10-csa-cp-4.80.0002.000.jar -centralPassword <OOAdminPassword>

    where <location_of_OO_jre> is the location of the JRE installed for Operations Orchestration. For example, "%ICONCLUDE_HOME%\jre1.6" or $ICONCLUDE_HOME/jre1.6 on the 9.07 system and "%ICONCLUDE_HOME%\java" or $ICONCLUDE_HOME/java on the 10.20 system.