Use > Build > Release Management > Release Management procedures > Create a release record

How to create a release record

There are the following ways to create a release record:

In Release Management

  1. From the main menu, select Build > Release.

  2. Click New icon New. Service Management displays the New Release form. Service Management does not assign a release ID until you save the record.

  3. Complete the Release Details section.

    This section contains basic information about the release that helps efficient release management.

    Field Description

    A title for the release.

    Best practice: choose a meaningful, descriptive, and relatively short title. Titles are often the only identification used in selection lists and in other areas to identify components.

    Release type 

    The type of release:

    • Minor

    • Major

    • Emergency

    Description A description that captures the details of the release.

    The service affected by the release.

    Using the out-of-the-box configuration, Service Management automatically sends the service owner a notification at certain parts of the workflow. In addition, the relevant support groups are automatically notified when the release enters the early life support phase.

    Category The category of the release. Service Management uses the category to classify release records.
    Release model

    A collection of predefined values. Selecting the model automatically populates the relevant fields and creates the task plan necessary to complete the release.

    In the drop-down list, models are filtered according to the release type and service.

    After you select a release model, you may overwrite any field values which the model provided. If you do so, saving the record saves the overwritten field values, and not the values which the release model provided.

    Reason for release The reason for the release. Choose the reason that most closely matches the purpose of the changes to be included.
  4. Complete the Request for execution section.

    Field Description
    Latest execution date

    The date and time by when the release is to be complete.

    Urgency The urgency value describes how important the issue is for the customer. Service Management uses the urgency value to calculate the priority for the implementation.

    The justification for the release. What may happen if the release is not implemented?

    Best practice: Be as specific as possible.

  5. Complete the User options section.

    This section contains any user options. These are cloned from the model for the record.

    For more information, see User options.

  6. Click Save.

In Change Management

  1. From the main menu, select Build > Change.

  2. Select the change record you want to create the release with.

  3. Click the record identifier in the ID column to display the selected record.

  4. Click More > Create release from record. Service Management displays the new release form with the values copied from the original record.

  5. Edit the record as required.

  6. Click Save icon Save on the toolbar.

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