How to edit a project

  1. From the main menu, select Plan > Project & Program > Projects. Service Management displays a list of projects.

  2. Select the project that you want to edit.

    To filter the record list, click the Add filter  button. For more information, see Filters.

  3. Click the project identifier in the ID column to display the selected record, or click Edit in the project preview panel.

  4. By default, the project is displayed with the General tab selected. Click the tab you want to edit or view:

    Tab Description
    General Displays general information about the project. For more information about the General tab, see General tab.
    Workflow Displays the workflow metaphase and phase for the record. For more information about the Workflow tab, see Project workflow.
    Resource demand

    Displays the total demand for resources for each resource type.

    Note You must enter a start and end date for resource and financial information to be displayed.

    For more information about the Resource demand tab, see Resource demand tab.


    Displays the project's planned phases and milestones. For more information, see Timelines.

    Financial planning

    Displays the total approved budget for the project.

    Note You must enter a start and end date for resource and financial information to be displayed.

    For more information about the Financial planning tab, see Financial planning tab.


    Displays the current risks that are relevant for the project.

    For more information, see Risks tab.


    Displays the current issues that might arise during the project.

    For more information, see Issues tab.

    Subscribed assets

    Displays the list of assets to which the project is currently subscribed.

    For more information, see Subscribed assets tab.

    Discussions Displays any relevant conversations about the selected project. For more information about discussions, see Discussions.
    History Displays changes to the selected portfolio. For more information about history, see History.
  5. Click Save when you are finished.

General tab

This tab includes the following project details:

Field Description
Title The title of the project.
Description Provides information about the purpose of the project.
Start date The date on which the project begins.
End date The date on which the project ends.

Displays the relative health of the project. Available health values are High-Risk, On-Track, At-Risk, or N/A.

Project manager Select the name of the person who is assigned the Project Manager role for this project.
Business objective Select a business objective that the project is aligned with from the list, or type a few characters to search for the name.
Business unit Select a business unit to which this project applies from the list, or type a few characters to search for the name.
Currency The currency of the project's budget. For information on how to specify the currency for a project, see Application settings.
Planned cost

The total cost of the project, aggregated from the Financial planning tab. For more information, see Financial planning tab.

Business value

The estimated value that the project brings to the organization.

Note The estimated business value should be greater than 0.

Priority Select the priority of the project. Available priorities are Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
Created from

The proposal, change, or release (if any) from which the project record was created.

Note These fields are mutually exclusive and are read-only.


The program (if any) to which the project belongs.

A project cannot belong to both a program and a portfolio at the same time.


The portfolio (if any) to which the project belongs.

A project cannot belong to both a program and a portfolio at the same time.

Target service

You can select a service name from the list to which this project applies, or type a few characters to search for the name.

When a project is created from a proposal, this field is automatically populated.


Attachments related to the project.

To attach a file to the record, click Add attachment.


  • The following file formats are supported: jpg; jpeg; gif; png; doc; docx; ppt; pptx; xls; xlsx; pdf; txt; xml; zip; msg; sql; gz; rar; tar; 7z.

  • The maximum file size of an attachment is 10 MB.

  • If the Attachments field has been defined as encrypted for this record type and you are a member of an encryption domain, click Add encrypted attachments to attach an encrypted file to the record.

  • Attachments are not visible in the Service Portal.

Resource demand tab

This tab lists resources that are assigned to the project for each month of its time span.

To add resources to a project

  1. Click New icon New.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the resource type that you want to assign to the project.

  3. For each month, specify the number of that resource type that will be assigned to the project.
  4. Click Save when you are finished.

Financial planning tab

This tab displays a detailed financial picture for the project.

  • Overview

    Service Management displays a chart of the total budget and cost for the project, by year, quarter, or month, for each relevant calendar year. The predicted benefit of the project after it has been implemented is also displayed. The following chart shows an example of financial information by quarter.

  • Budget

    Service Management displays the budgeted amounts that have been approved for the project.

    You can select a year during the project to view the total budget for that year. You can add additional budget lines in the Financial Management module. For more details, see How to create a budget line record. These additional budget lines are reflected in the overview chart.

  • Cost plan details

    Service Management lists the cost of each item in the project, per month, during the time span of the project.

    To add the cost of an item

    1. Click New.
    2. From the drop-down list, select either CAPEX or OPEX.
    3. In the line for that item, click underneath Description and enter an explanation of the cost or the name of the expense.
    4. In the line for that item, click underneath each month for which you want to add a cost and enter the amount of the cost.
    5. Click Save on the main toolbar.
  • Benefit plan Financial benefit details

    Service Management displays the total planned financial benefit for the project.

    To add the amount of a benefit

    1. Click New.
    2. From the drop-down list, select Avoidance, Revenue, or Savings.
    3. In the line for that item, click underneath Description and enter the reason for the benefit.
    4. In the line for that item, click underneath each month for which you want to add a benefit and enter the amount of the benefit.
    5. Click Save on the main toolbar.

Risks tab

This tab displays the current risks that are relevant for the project.

To add a risk to a project

  1. Click New. Service Management displays a New Risk dialog box.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description
    Title Enter a title for the risk.
    Risk type

    Select the type of risk. Available types are Schedule, Quality, or Budget.

    You can create additional risk types as needed.


    Select the priority of the risk. Available priorities are Critical, High, Medium, or Low.


    Select the level of impact that the risk has on the program. Available levels are Huge, Big, Medium, or Small.


    Select the probability of the risk occurring. Available probabilities are High [71-100%], Medium [41-70%], Low [11-40%], or Very Low [0-10%].

    Date identified

    Select the date that the risk was first identified.


    Select the person who manages the risk.

    Description Enter a description that explains the risk.
  3. Click Save.

To edit a risk

  1. Click the title of a risk to view its details.
  2. You can edit any of the available fields as desired. You can also add closure criteria and an action plan, as well as relevant attachments.
  3. Click Save when you are finished.

Issues tab

This tab displays the current issues that might arise during the project.

To add an issue to a project

  1. Click New. Service Management displays a New Issue dialog box.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description
    Title Enter a title for the issue.
    Issue type

    Select the type of risk. Available types are Business function, Project, Staffing, Testing, Technical, or General.

    You can create additional issue types as needed.


    Select the priority of the risk. Available priorities are Critical, High, Medium, or Low.

    Raised by Select the person who raised the issue.

    Select the person who manages the issue.

    Date identified

    Select the date that the issue was first identified.

    Description Enter a description that explains the issue.
  3. Click Save.

To edit an issue

  1. Click the title of an issue to view its details.
  2. You can edit any of the available fields as desired. You can also add a proposed solution and information about the business function, as well as relevant attachments.
  3. Click Save when you are finished.

Subscribed assets tab

This tab displays the list of assets to which the project is currently subscribed.

An asset is only listed in the Subscribed assets tab when the request for the asset is in Close phase and the item has actually been assigned. This enables accurate tracking of the asset's usage.

To request an asset for a project, click on the main toolbar. Fill in the fields as described in How to create a request record. The Requested for Project field in the new request is automatically populated with the name of the current project.

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