SLT settings

  • For out-of-the-box record types, the SLT settings tab enables you to control the out-of-the-box email notifications that Service Management sends as a Service Level target approaches a breach threshold. The notifications are described in Notifications.
  • For the record types you created in Studio, SLT settings tab enables you to control the SLT calculation and configure the key fields that are involved in SLT.

To access the SLT settings tab:

  1. From the main menu, select Administration > Configuration > Studio > Forms.

  2. From the drop-down at the top of the page, select Incident, Request, or the record type created in Studio.

  3. Click the SLT settings tab.

To enable and disable automatic notifications for incidents or requests:

  1. For each target type, select On to enable the automatic notifications, and select Off to disable them.

    In the request record type, the tab displays the following:

    Section Targets

    Support (IT support requests)

    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Time in Group

    Service (IT service requests)

    • Fulfillment

    • Time in Group

    HR (HR support requests)

    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Fulfillment

    • Time in Group

    In the incident record type, the tab displays the following:

    Section Targets


    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Time in Group

  2. Click Save. The out-of-the-box notifications for the selected records are enabled or disabled according to your selection for all records of the selected record type.

You can manually add a notification for a specific target at a specific breach level by defining a business rule. This ensures that a notification is sent even when the automatic notifications are set to Off. For more information, see How to add Service Level Target event business rules.

To enable the SLT settings for the record types created in Studio:

Before configuring the SLT settings for the record types created in Studio, you need to:

  1. Add three fields referenced to Actual Service, Group, and Priority.

    Logical type Reference to
    ENTITY_LINK Actual Service
    ENUM Priority - SawPriority
  2. Create full, new, and preview forms with three fields above.

  3. Create processes and rules for the record.
  4. Select Enable to enable the SLT settings for the records. Service field is required as the key fields of SLT settings.
    The Targets tab, within the record in the new module, is displayed only when the SLT settings are enabled.


  • After save the changes made to SLT setting, you need to click the Apply button to apply the changes.

• You cannot apply the changes to SLT setting if the former setting is executed for the records at present. In this case, an error message is displayed when you click the Apply button.