Develop > Developer reference > Encryption domain API

Encryption domain API

The following APIs are available for use in connection with encryption domains:

Revoke user from all encryption domains

Enter the following DELETE request URI:


There are no parameters for this URI.

The user's credentials are revoked for all encryption domains.

Revoke user from a specific encryption domain

Enter the following DELETE request URI:


where the domain-id is the ID of the required encryption domain. You can get the domain ID using the List encryption domains API.

There are no parameters for this URI.

The user's credentials are revoked for the specified encryption domain.

List encryption domains

Enter the following GET request URI:


There are no parameters for this URI.

The API returns all the encryption domains defined on the tenant.

The following is an example of the structure of the returned data in JSON format:

          "id": "56826bbb637d6a6db8bee805",
          "Name": "d1",
          "DomainId": "2",
          "DisplayLabelKey": "encryption_messages_a53be345-4aa5-45f1-b3b7-d1c5811c90e2",
          "CreatedTime": 1451387835788,
          "Owner": "10015",
          "AllowedGroups": [{
                          "GroupId": "10005",
                          "GroupProperties": {
                                          "LastUpdateTime": 1451220162383,
                                          "Id": "10005"
          "NotificationOwner": "Both",
          "IsEnabled": true

The value in the DomainId property is the required value in the Revoke a user from a specific encryption domain API.

Note Tenant admin permission is required to run the encryption domain APIs.

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