Install > Installation > Install the ITOM Platform > Step 4 (optional). Install a dedicated NFS server

Step 4 (optional). Install a dedicated NFS server

The ITOM Platform requires an NFS server. You can either use the master node as the NFS server or you can set up a separate NFS server. The latter is recommended for production environments.

If you want to use the master node as the NFS server instead, skip this step and go to Step 5. Set up one master node.

To install a dedicated NFS server, you can use any operating system that provides NFS. Additionally, the NFS server must meet the following hardware requirements: 16 GB RAM, 8 CPU cores, and 100 GB free disk space.

Follow the steps below for the installation:

  1. Install the NFS server: yum install -y nfs-utils

  2. Create a directory to store the ITOM Platformdata, and adapt the directory permissions:

    mkdir -p /var/vols/itom/core

    chown -R 1999:1999 /var/vols/itom/core

    Note You can expose a differently named folder. Name the exposed folder when installing the ITOM Platform.

  3. Create a directory to store the suite data, and adapt the directory permissions:

    mkdir -p /var/vols/itom/<opsbridge_directory>

    chown 1999:1999 /var/vols/itom/<opsbridge_directory>

    Replace <opsbridge_directory> with a directory name you choose, for example opsbridge.

  4. Configure the NFS sharing of the ITOM Platform and suite data directories:

    echo "/var/vols/itom/core *(rw,sync,anonuid=1999,anongid=1999,all_squash)" >> /etc/exports

    echo "/var/vols/itom/<opsbridge_directory> *(rw,sync,anonuid=1999,anongid=1999,all_squash)" >> /etc/exports

  5. Restart the NFS service to activate the directory sharing:

    exportfs -ra

Tip Run exportfs to check what has been exported.