Release notes

Release notes

This section provides an overview of the changes made to Operations Connector (OpsCx) 10.11.

You can find information about the following in these release notes:

New Features

  • High Availability: Operations Connector 10.11 supports high availability (HA) to increase resilience against unplanned server outages and to achieve a zero-downtime data integration flow.

    You can achieve this by defining several Operations Connector servers as a logical unity, the Operations Connector High Availability Cluster. Additionally, this configuration helps you with balancing the workloads.

    To configure Operations Connector for high availability:

    • Install Operations Connector on each node.

    • In OMi, configure an Operations Connector connected server containing all nodes on which OpsCx runs.

    • Create HA package policies, which contain policies, components, and sync items that perform the actual data gathering.

    • Create HA aspects for the Operations Connector System CI.

    • Create HA management templates, which are required to enable deployment to HA connected server model instance. The aspects in the management template are assigned to the Operations Connector System CIs.

    Locally configured OpsCx polices are not high-available.

    Event back synchronization in a HA environment is supported, as well as replication of metric data to non-active nodes, to further increase resilience.

    For details on how to configure Operations Connector and Operations Manager i for high availability, see the Administer section and the OMi documentation.


Title: SNMP Interceptor pattern matching issue causing incorrectly resolved CMAs. (QCCR1A185419)

Description: When creating SNMP policies with CMAs, the Custom Message Attribute value that is retrieved is wrong. When the trap messages have user defined variables, opctrapi is not replacing the variables with appropriate strings.

Workaround: A hotfix is available through the Software Support.