Integrate > CA APM


The Operations Connector for CA Application Performance Management (OpsCx for CA APM) integrates with the supported CA Application Performance Management (APM) versions and Operations Manager i (OMi) so that the collected data about the events and topology are available in OMi. Such data can then be monitored and processed properly within OMi. OpsCx for CA APM enables you to establish a link between a CA APM environment and operations management in OMi.

For a list of the CA APM release versions that OpsCx for CA APM supports, see Supported Systems Management Application topic. For information about CA APM products, their individual releases and features, see the CA APM documentation.

Product Concepts

OpsCx for CA APM is a product complementary to Operations Connector (OpsCx). It enhances Operations Connector to provide the following functionality:

  • Collection of CA APM topology from a CA APM environment
    • OpsCx for CA APM identifies hostnames and IP addresses from the CA APM environment and forwards topology data to OMi.
    • OpsCx for CA APM identifies application servers and applications running on them from the CA APM environment and forwards topology data to OMi.
    • OpsCx for CA APM identifies business applications and business transactions from the received events and forwards business topology data to OMi.
  • Collection of metric data from a CA APM environment
    • OpsCx for CA APM supports filtering of the data collection.
  • Collection of event data from a CA APM environment
    • OpsCx for CA APM supports collection of Alerts and Triage Alerts from the CA APM environment.
    • OpsCx for CA APM supports customization of event mappings.
  • Mapping of the collected data to an OMi-compliant form
  • Customization of the data collection

Deployment options for OpsCx for CA APM are bound by Operations Connector. While both must be installed on the same system, remote monitoring capability of Operations Connector enables the applications to reside on a dedicated integration server. In such a setup, the processing, memory and storage resources of the CA APM host are burdened to a lesser degree.

The basic part of OpsCx for CA APM is the Generic Integrator module (GenInt). It provides a common functionality for integrating Operations Connector and other third-party systems, storage, or infrastructure management applications.

The collection, processing, and mapping of events, metric data, and topology data can be configured in detail as part of advanced configuration of OpsCx for CA APM.

Event Collection and Forwarding

OpsCx for CA APM makes CA APM events available to OMi as follows:

  1. Events are collected from CA APM through the SOAP calls.
  2. In the OpsCx for CA APM, the received events are processed and sent to the REST Web Service endpoint of the Operations Connector.
  3. The collected events are mapped with an Operations Connector policy of the REST Web Service Listener type, and then forwarded to OMi.
    Each event is tested if it matches some rule in the policy. If it does, the event is mapped. To ensure all events are mapped, there are two generic rule types:
    • A rule that matches events originating from Alerts in CA APM.
    • A rule that matches events originating from Triage Alerts in CA APM.
The granularity of the transformed data allows customization of the event rules. OpsCx for CA APM contains a sample custom event rule. You can create other rules based on the sample rule. For example, CPU Utilization Events.
The predefined generic rules in the policy serve as an example and can be changed.

Metrics Collection and Forwarding

OpsCx for CA APM makes CA APM metric data available to OMi as follows:

  1. Metric data is collected through web service SOAP calls to the CA APM Enterprise Manager (EM) server.
  2. The data is processed within the GenInt plug-in.
  3. The data is forwarded to the web service of the Operations Connector and stored in the database, where it can be accessed by OMi applications.
  4. OMi applications can then query and display the saved metric data.

Metrics Parsing and Mapping

In CA APM, the metric names contain information from which the connector creates related configuration items (CIs), metric class and metric name Operations Connector attributes.

The following tables show some examples of CA APM metric names and their respective mappings:

Frontend and Business Service Metrics:

CA APM Name Related CIMetric ClassMetric Name
By Frontend|manager|Health:Errors Per IntervalmanagerBy Frontend_HealthErrors Per Interval
By Business Service|Tomcat|/setup.html|/setup.html:Errors Per Interval/setup.htmlBy Business ServiceErrors Per Interval
By Business Service|Tomcat|/setup.html|/setup.html|xxx:Errors Per Interval/setup.htmlBy Business Service_xxxErrors Per Interval
Business Service|Tomcat|Business Transactions|/setup.html|Slow Time:Defects Per Interval/setup.htmlBy Business Service_Slow TimeDefects Per Interval

System Metrics:

Agent Name CA APM NameRelated CIMetric ClassMetric Name
devpetstore|glassfish|PetStoreGC Heap:Bytes In Usedevpetstore|glassfish|PetStoreGC HeapBytes In Use
srv4|Tomcat|Tomcat AgentGC Monitor|Memory Pools|PS Old Gen:Maximum Capacity (bytes)srv4|Tomcat|Tomcat AgentGC Monitor_Memory Pools_PS Perm GenMaximum Capacity (bytes)

Topology Collection and Forwarding

OpsCx for CA APM makes CA APM topology available to OMi as follows:

  1. Topology data is collected from CA APM through SOAP calls.
  2. In OpsCx for CA APM, the collected topology data is transformed in suitable structure for policy mapping.
  3. The constructed topology data is mapped by using an Operations Connector policy of the XML File type, and then forwarded to OMi. The mapping rules map the following CI Types:
    • node (Windows, Linux or node)
      For each CA APM agent and Enterprise Manager, the connector reports a CI. The connector has logic for OS discovery, which can recognize Windows or Linux nodes. In case of a different OS, the CI is of type “node”. The Windows, Linux and Node CIs have relation of type “containment” to “ip address” CIs and “composition to “running software” CIs.
    • IP address
      For each discovered Windows, Linux or Node (Agents and EM in CA APM), the integration reports one or more “ip address” CIs, related to it through the containment relationship.
    • running software
      For each discovered Windows, Linux or Node (Agents and EM in CA APM), the integration reports one or more “running software” CIs, which are related to it through the composition relationship. These “running software” CIs represent the application servers, monitored by the CA APM agents. The “running software” CIs have relations of type “composition” to “j2eeapplications” CIs.
    • j2eeapplication
      For each discovered application running on a respective application server (“running software”), the connector reports a j2eeapplication to the Operations Connector. This j2eeapplication has “composition” relation to the respective “running software” and “usage” relation to all “business transaction” CIs related to it.
    • business service
      The connector discovers and reports “business service” and “business transaction” CIs and relates them through the “containment” relationships.
    • business transaction
      The connector discovers and reports “business transaction” CIs and relates them to “business service” through the “containment” relationship and to “j2eeapplication” through the “usage” relationship.

In addition, the topology self-discovery policy retrieves topology data about the CA APM integration environment and reports “Management System” CI to the Enterprise Manager. This Management System should be related to “Operations Connector” through the “management connection” relationship and to the “running software” CI, created for the EM, through the “membership” relation.

After the transformation logic is complete, CIs are reported with the following attributes:

CI TypeOperations Connector Attribute
























































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Supported Systems Management Application