Integrate > Systems Insight Manager > Configure > Entity Mappings > Mappings used in Topology Integration

Mappings used in Topology Integration

OpsCx for SIM comes preconfigured with the basic set of topology mappings you can extend and tailor to your needs. The preconfigured mappings include only basic subsets of topology entity types defined in Systems Insight Manager. Topology mappings are defined in the following XML files:

  • contextmapping.xml - Filter for CI types.
  • typemapping.xml - Specifies which CI type each object is mapped to.
  • attributemapping.xml - Adds required and desired attributes to each CI.
  • relationmapping.xml - Defines relationships between CIs.
  • package.xml - Definition and description.

The files are located on the OMi host in the following directory:

Windows: <OvInstallDir>\conf\opr\topology-sync\sync-packages\HPBsmIntSIM

Linux: <OvInstallDir>/conf/opr/topology-sync/sync-packages/HPBsmIntSIM