Integrate > Icinga > Install > Install OpsCx for Icinga

Install OpsCx for Icinga

Installation of OpsCx for Icinga consists of the following tasks.

  1. Download OpsCx for Icinga.

  2. Install OpsCx for Icinga.

Download OpsCx for Icinga

Perform the following steps to download OpsCx for Icinga.

  1. Download the Operations Connector for Icinga Content Pack from the following website: Marketplace.

  2. The software package contains the file

Install OpsCx for Icinga

  1. Copy the file to location of your choice on the OMi Data Processing Server host, and unpack the archive.

  2. Run the following command on the respective operating system hosts:

    For Windows:

    cscript OpsCxInstall.vbs -i

    For Linux:

    Provide executable permission to the file before running the script. -i