Integrate > Zabbix > Configure > Configuring Login Credentials

Configuring Login Credentials

Before you start the integration services, you must provide credentials to connect to the Zabbix server. Use the genintcrypt tool to provide the credentials:

  1. Change the directory to:

    Windows: %OvInstallDir%bin\win64

    Linux: /opt/OV/bin64

  2. Execute the following commands:

    genintcrypt --set zabbix_server_username

    genintcrypt --set zabbix_server_password

Managing the Integration Services

Start the integration daemons as OV control services on the OpsCx server by opening a command prompt and issuing the command(s) in the steps below.

  1. Start the services with following commands:


    ./ovc -start ZBX

    Alternatively, you can also start individual services:

    ./ovc -start zabbixe
    ./ovc -start zabbixt
    ./ovc -start zabbixm


    ovc -start ZBX

    Alternatively, you can also start individual services:

    ovc -start zabbixe
    ovc -start zabbixt
    ovc -start zabbixm
  2. Check that GenInt (HPBsmIntZabbix) is running using the command:



Restarting the services

If you change the configuration, you need to restart the services.


./ovc -restart ZBX

Alternatively, you can also restart individual services:

./ovc -restart zabbixe
./ovc -restart zabbixt
./ovc -restart zabbixm


ovc -restart ZBX

Alternatively, you can also restart individual services:

ovc -restart zabbixe
ovc -restart zabbixt
ovc -restart zabbixm