Server log file entries

A server log file entry has the following format:

PID (TID) date time component log-level message

The following is an example:

2276( 8160) 11/10/2013 23:22:26 RTE I User xyz has logged out.

The following table explains each portion of a log entry.

Portion Description


The process id identifying the servlet


The thread id identifying the session thread


Date when the message was logged


Time when the message was logged


The binary component writing the message. Typically, these components are:

  • RTE: The C-RTE of Service Manager. This component performs most internal processing.
  • JRTE: The Java-RTE of Service Manager. This component is responsible for communication of the servlet with a client or other servlets.
  • RAD: The RAD component. It is part of C-RTE and interprets code written in the system language code.
  • JS: The JS engine. It is compiled as part of C-RTE and interprets JavaScript code.

log level

Information about the severity of the log message:

  • F (Fatal) – fatal errors, which cause risk to the system
  • E (Error) – Errors that may still allow the system to run
  • W (Warning) – potential harmful situations
  • I (Information) – informational messages only
  • D (Debug) – fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug the system; typically used only when a trace is enabled
  • A (Alert) – hints to the administrator about a misconfiguration or corruption. See System alerts.


Any string, which is typically a single line.

Java run-time messages (component: JRTE) may be multi-line (that is, JRTE stack trace messages), in contrast to RTE stack trace messages that are written as a sequence of single-line messages. If the length of a single message exceeds 8000 characters, the message will be truncated.