Install a permanent license

A free license is required for Service Portal. When installing Service Portal, an instant-on license is installed. This license is temporary and limited to 60 days. In a production environment, you need to install a permanent one, which is provided by HPE for Service Manager customers for free.


  • Only one license is required no matter whether you have deployed a single instance of Service Portal or a distributed Service Portal cluster.
  • To use the same license, the Service Portal hosts in a clustered environment must meet this requirement: The first three sections of their IP addresses are the same (for example: 10.255.255.*).

To upload a license into Service Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Service Portal as the administrator, using the following URL and user account:

    https://<Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/Provider (Use "admin" as the user and "propel" as the password.)

  2. Click the avatar and then select License. The License Management view opens.
  3. In the License Management view, click Upload License.
  4. In the File Upload dialog, select the Service Portal license that you obtained, and then click Open.

    The license is applied and details are displayed in the License Management view.