Knowledge Management record mapping

The Integration Mapping function enables you to map fields between two tables in HPE Service Manager. This allows users to search, retrieve, and author documents more efficiently since data is shared between operations.

In the out-of-box system, there are record maps predefined for the incidents, knownerror, probsummary, and rootcause tables. The Integration Mapping function provides a form for mapping fields, searching, retrieval, and authoring.

The Map Name field is the name of the mapping. By default the out-of-box mappings are named according to the Service Manager file name they provide a mapping for. If a Map Name other than the Service Manager file name is used, the thread variable $gamapname must be set to the value of the Map Name from the Display Option that is used to call the mapping.

The Source Field in Current Record column specifies the field in Service Manager that is sent to the Knowledge Management Target Search Field. A literal string value can be specified in quotation marks. Any string of characters specified within quotation marks is copied literally (without the quotations) into the Target Search Field.

The Target Search Field column specifies the field in Knowledge Management that receives the data sent from the source field. If a field is specified as a target for more than one source field, the data from the source field is appended (in the order specified in the mapping) into the target field. A value of "QueryString" specified in this column indicates that the data from the source field is sent as part of the non-fielded search string (such as if a user typed into the "Enter your question" box in the Knowledge Management search interface). A value of "contextTag" is used to indicate that the source field value will be used to track all search activity in the kmsearchhistory and kmusagehistory tables.


The viewed statistic in kmusagehistory is intended to track documents that were viewed as the result of a search. This indicates if a knowledge document can be found and used in its existing state. If a document is viewed from a URL linked directly to the kmdocument record, the viewed statistic in kmusagehistory is not incremented. You can change this default behavior by specifying a parameter with the URL request. When the parameter is specified, the usage history and view count will be logged and incremented.


The additional parameter to add at the end of the URL query is as follows:

Field mappings between the knownerror and kmdocument tables


These descriptions are based on the out-of-box field mappings between the knownerror table and kmdocument table. If these field mappings have been modified on your system, the data for the fields on your Contribute New Knowledge form may be different than what this topic describes.

You can create a knowledge document for a known error. When you do this, the out-of-box system provides the following information on the Contribute New Knowledge form for the known error. This information is only available for the knowledge document if it is present in the knownerror table record.

Field Description
Title This entry comes from the brief description in the knownerror record.
Error Message This entry comes from the description field in the knownerror record.
Cause This entry comes from the root cause description in the knownerror record.
Workaround This entry comes from the workaround and resolution description in the knownerror record.