Batch Update mode

When the target file equals the source file, the migration tool executes the update operation on the same table.  In addition, an additional SQL batch update mode is automatically enabled to allow the migration tool to directly update the underlying database.

Note You can run the migration in Batch Update mode to get better performance when the source and target files are the same. The Batch Update mode cannot be used when you migrate data between two different files, such as from Legacy known error to Problem.

Note Some of the out-of-box migration scripts cannot be run in Batch Update mode. For more information, see Appendix B: Data migration.

Batch update mode can only be enabled when the target file equals the source file. If it is enabled, a batch SQL update is generated in a popup wizard instead of using the Service Manager API to update the data records one by one. After confirmation, the batch SQL update is sent to the underlying database.

If Batch Update mode is enabled, you should note the following:

  • You should update the data records directly via the database without triggering Service Manager. Otherwise, updating the data records will trigger additional background process.

  • The Filter Condition field should follow the RDBMS SQL grammar for your database. Otherwise, Filter Condition should follow query statement grammar of Service Manager.

  • The “Condition” field in the Value Mapping Definition should follow the RDBMS SQL grammar for your database. Otherwise, Filter Condition should follow query statement grammar of Service Manager.