Install > Install and set up Service Portal > Install SMA-SM Service Portal (SMA-SM SP)

Install SMA-SM Service Portal (SMA-SM SP)

Important Micro Focus has chosen SMA-SM Service Portal (SMA-SM SP) as the strategic focus for further Service Portal development, and Service Manager Service Portal (SMSP) will no longer evolve functionally. Customers are encouraged to adopt SMA-SM SP as a replacement for SMSP. SMSP is delivered in this release only for the existing SMSP install base.

SMA-SM SP is included in the SMA-SM suite. The SMA-SM suite is delivered based on ITOM Container Deployment Foundation (CDF). CDF is built to run on many environments. Deploy your IT Operations Management suite on bare metal or a virtual environment, or even in the cloud. CDF uses a native cloud toolset, including Docker technologies and Kubernetes from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which allows the management of container-based applications at scale.

SMA is an analytics-driven service management solution for managing the entire service portfolio and lifecycle within and beyond IT. To enable existing customers of Service Manager to take advantage of the containerized services offered by SMA and keep their existing Service Manager implementations, SMA supports mixed mode deployment.

SMA-SM SP is normally released in a quarterly cadence. We recommend that you download and install the latest version of SMA-SM SP that supports Service Manager 9.61. You can find the latest version of SMA-SM SP that supports Service Manager 9.61 and the corresponding installation documentation here:

If you have already installed SMSP, you are encouraged to migrate from SMSP to SMA-SM SP in the SMA-SM suite by following the instructions in Migrate Propel or Service Manager Service Portal to SMA-SM Service Portal.