Install > Install Service Request Catalog (SRC) > Complete basic installation tasks

Complete basic installation tasks

Note The installation example in this section assumes that you use Apache Tomcat 9.0.

To deploy the Service Request Catalog application and configure the authentication environment, you will complete these basic tasks.

Step 1. Install Apache Tomcat

The Service Request Catalog installation package contains:

  1. If necessary, navigate to this download site to obtain the zipped installation files for Apache Tomcat 9.0.x:

    Download the zip version to deploy manually or the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer.

  2. Do one of the following to install Tomcat as a Windows Service or as a manual deployment:

    • Windows Service: Run the apache-tomcat-9.0.x.exe installer. Specify a convenient location for Tomcat. Example:


      When prompted for the Java location, note the path to the \jre folder. You will need this information later when you configure authentication.

    • Manual Process: Unzip the files to a preferred location on the designated server. Example: Unzip the files to:

      Windows: C:\...\apache-tomcat-9.0.x

      Linux: /opt/..../apache-tomcat-9.0.x

  3. After you install Tomcat, increase the Java Heap Space setting to prevent out of memory issues.


    1. From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Apache Tomcat 9.0 > Configure Tomcat to display the Tomcat Properties dialog.
    2. Click the Java tab.
    3. Type a new value of 1024 in the Initial memory pool and Maximum memory pool fields.
    4. Click OK.

Step 2. Deploy and configure the Service Request Catalog .war file

To deploy and configure the .war file, follow these steps:

  1. Stop Tomcat.


    Navigate to the Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services dialog. Verify the Apache Tomcat service is stopped.


    Run /opt/.../apache-tomcat-9.0.x/bin/
  2. Unzip the contents of the Service Request Catalog .zip file into an empty folder that you create to be the home location for this application.

    Example: If you create a new folder named \src-9.61 where you plan to deploy the .war file, the result would look like this:





    Tip Use a .war file extraction tool, or rename the file to and unzip it to the target location.

  3. Open this file with a text editor:




  4. Navigate to the <Host></Host> section and locate the Context parameter. If the section is commented out, uncomment it. If it is missing, add the following.

    <Context docBase=""
        reloadable="false" />
  5. Specify the complete path to the folder where you unzipped the src-x.xx.war file in the docBase= parameter. Enclose the path in double quotation marks (" "). Example:


    <Context docBase="C:\...\src-x.xx"


    <Context docBase="/opt/.../src-x.xx"

  6. The path= parameter enables you to create a simplified path (in the URL) that maps to the actual path where you deploy the src-x.xx.war application. Enclose the path in double quotation marks (" "). Example:


    <Context docBase="C:\...\src-x.xx"


    <Context docBase="/opt/.../src-x.xx"

    Tip It is acceptable to create a multi-level context path for your deployment.


  7. Save your changes and close the file.

    Note It is recommended to enable HTTPOnly cookies in your Apache Tomcat to help prevent malicious JavaScript injection. HTTPOnly cookies are enabled starting with Tomcat 7.0 by default.

Step 3. Create an encrypted password for the Service Manager Administrator

Encrypt the password used to connect to the Service Manager server.

Using the FIPS standard in SRC

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) are a set of standards that describe document processing, encryption algorithms and other information technology standards for use within U.S. non-military government agencies and by U.S. government contractors and vendors who work with such agencies.

Service Manager supports the FIPS 140-2 approved Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit data encryption algorithm. To use FIPS together with SRC you must first enable FIPS mode in Service Manager. For information on how to do this, see the following sections of the Service Manager Help Center:

  • "FIPS mode"
  • "Configure FIPS mode in Service Manager"

SRC uses the encryption tool to generate the encrypted password.

By default, the runme.bat script generates an encryption key that meets the FIPS standard. More specifically, the runme.bat script uses an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit data encryption algorithm. However, to remain compatible with previous versions of Service Request Catalog, an optional parameter (PBE) is now accepted by the runme.bat script, which uses the MD5 and DES encryption of earlier versions of Service Request Catalog. Therefore, you should choose one of the following options:

Encrypt using the AES 256-bit algorithm

Note To use this algorithm, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). You can download the JCE from the Oracle web site.

To encrypt using the AES 256-bit algorithm,follow these steps:

  1. From the location where you unzipped the Service Request Catalog .zip file, extract the contents of ...\files\ into a separate folder of your choice. Example:




  2. Run the executable file to start the encryptor application.





    Note See the Using the FIPS standard in SRC section for additional details on using the run script.

Encrypt using the earlier MD5 and DES algorithms

To encrypt using the earlier MD5 and DES algorithms, follow these steps:

  1. From the location where you unzipped the Service Request Catalog .zip file, extract the contents of ...\files\ into a separate folder of your choice. Example:




  2. Run the executable file to start the encryptor application.


    C:\...\src-x.xx\encrypt\runme.bat PBE


    /opt/..../src-x.xx/encrypt/ PBE
  3. Follow the steps in the Password Encryption program to create an encrypted password. You will be asked to specify these user-defined values:

    • The name of a file that will contain the encryption key for your administrator password.

    • The number of bits in a random number to be used for the salt. Valid values range from 1 to 65535. The default value is 128 bits.

    • The encryption method. If you choose to use the earlier MD5 and DES algorithm instead of the FIPS compliant AES algorithm, you can choose from the following encryption methods:

      • PBEWithMD5AndDES (default)

      • PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40

      • PBEWithSHA1AndDESede

      • PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES

    • The administrator's password.

    • The Password Encryption program returns an encrypted password.

  4. Copy the encrypted password and save it. You will need this value plus the name of the file with the encryption key when you configure Service Request Catalog in the next task.

Step 4. Configure the file

To configure the related properties, follow these steps:

  1. Open this file with a text editor:





    Note A detailed list of the properties in this file is shown in the table following these steps.

  2. In the # Service Connector Configuration section, specify the following properties as appropriate for your environment. For Trusted Sign-On and Single Sign-On, specify onlyhttps.




    Note TLS/SSL creates an encrypted connection that allows private information to be transmitted without the risk of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery. HP recommends enabling TLS/SSL communication between the Service Request Catalog web application server and the web browser. This may be implemented through the parameter in the Service Request Catalog configuration file (, and requires TLS/SSL be configured on the web application server (for example, Tomcat).

    The default value of is set as true to enable SSL connection between Service Request Catalog and the end user's client browser.

    For information on configuring TLS/SSL for Service Request Catalog, please refer to the following information:

    For information on using an Appropriate Certification Authority, please refer to the OWASP Best Practice.

    We do not recommend using self-signed certificates, as self-signed certificates negate the benefit of end-point authentication and significantly decrease the ability of users to detect a man-in-the-middle attack.

    For the # Service Manager URL parameter, make no changes. The properties that you specified in the last three steps will be the components of the final URL.${sm.protocol}://${sm.hostname}:${sm.port}

    Note Service Request Catalog also supports IPv6. To enable IPv6 support in Service Request Catalog (SRC) , follow these steps:

    1. Enable IPv6 support in Tomcat.  To do this, see the Tomcat section of the Configure the Web clients for IPv6 page in the Service Manager Help Center.

    2. Enable IPv6 in Service Manager. To do this, see the Configure the Service Manager server for IPv6 page in the Service Manager Help Center.

    3. In folder where SRC is deployed, set the sm.hostname parameter in the file to a Full Qualified Domain Name or to a valid IPv6 address

    4. You can access the SRC application by entering the valid IP address in your browser, as shown in the following example:

  3. In the # Encryption section, follow these steps:

    1. Locate the following entry:


      You will need the user name and encrypted password that you created in the earlier tasks to encrypt a password.

      1. Replace userName with the Service Manager administrator user name that is associated with the password that you encrypted in the last task.

      2. Replace encrypted Value with the encrypted password text that you saved.

        Note If you configured Service Manager to operate in multi-company or multi-tenant mode, then you must specify a separate userName and encrypted password for each company. To enable more than one administrator, repeat the steps to encrypt a password for each additional administrator. Use the following syntax and separate each unique entry with a comma:


    2. Edit the property to point to the file that contains the encryption key that is used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information. This file must be located in a safe place outside of the SRC_ROOT directory (for example, C:\\Restricted\\Folder\\test.txt).\\Restricted\\Folder\\test.txt

      You specified the name of this file in step 3.

    3. If you used the PBE option in step 3, you must also set the following parameter to true:

  4. (Optional) In the # Miscellaneous Properties section, most properties are set to default values that work for most environments. Change them only if you want different behavior.

  5. In the # Security section, the security mode is set as follows:

    Do not change these settings if you do not want to configure authentication and secure communication now.


    To specify Light Weight Single Sign-On (LWSSO), remove the comment symbol (#) that precedes to specify LWSSO as your communication method between Service Request Catalog and Service Manager. Insert the comment symbol in front of the default value.

    To enable Single Sign-On with LWSSO, set the property to true.

    You can skip the #Trusted Sign-On section.

    Trusted Sign-On (TSO)

    To specify Trusted Sign-On (TSO), remove the comment symbol that precedes to specify TSO as your communication method between Service Request Catalog and Service Manager. Insert the comment symbol in front of the default value.

    To enable Single Sign-On with TSO, set the property to true.

    In the #Trusted Sign-On section, specify appropriate values for these parameters:


    Note Preceding asterisks (*) will be added before the src.trustStorePassword and src.keyStorePassword parameters during SRC startup. The values of these two parameters are encrypted, and one random key used for the encryption is added. If you want to update TSO certification and change the password, remove the asterisk and replace the encrypted string with a new password. Remember to remove the random key and its value as well.

    If you need help with this section, contact your local security administrator.
  6. (For TSO only) Specify the value for the src.encryption.LWCrypto.enable parameter to select an encryption method mode.

    true use the LWCrypto AES algorithm (LWCrypto by default)

    false use the encryption algorithm for FIPS (AES 256-bit). To use this algorithm, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). You can download the JCE from the Oracle web site.

  7. In the # Performance section, the default values are acceptable for most environments. Changing them is optional. Make sure you understand the effect if you replace the default settings.

  8. (Optional) In the # Knowledge Management (KM) section, configure the related parameters if you want to include Knowledge Management in search results.

  9. Save and close the file.
Application Context properties

Service Manager Connector Configuration

Service Manager Protocol:

sm.protocol=http This value can be http or https.

Domain Name:


Use a fully qualified domain name that can be resolved from this machine.

To make sure the query hash feature works properly, you must set sm.hostname as same as the hostname

portion of queryhashcode in sm.ini.

Service Manager Port: sm.port=13080 The default values are 13080 for http and 13443 for https.
Service Manager URL:${sm.protocol}://${sm.hostname}:${sm.port} Point to your Service Manager, using the previously configured values. Do not change.




Configure a comma-separated list of all the Administrator user names and passwords to optimize catalog caching at startup.

For multiple administrators, separate each userName and encrypted password combination with a comma. For example:


Encryption Key Location: Point to the file that contains the encryption key. The default location is c:\\a1.txt.

Encryption Mode:


Change the encryption method used to generate the encryption key

true uses the old encryption algorithm (PBEWithMD5AndDES, PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40, PBEWithSHA1AndDESede, or PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES).

false uses the new encryption algorithm for FIPS (LWCryptoAES)

If this parameter is commented out, the default value is used: false

Miscellaneous Properties

Data Integrity: src.stopWhenUpdateFailed=true Stop SRC when it fails to update the catalog from the service connector.
Web Services: sm.wsURL=/SM/7/ws This property verifies the web services exposed by Service Manager.
Display Name: sm.rootCategoryDisplayName=ITSM This property sets the display name of the top level category when you enable multiple catalog providers. For example: The SM Catalog/Hardware Bundles/itemA
Case Sensitive Queries: Convert all contact search queries to upper case. Contact search case insensitive.
Contact Display Property:${C}

The default value for the contact name search result list is ContactName ${C}.

If you want to display a different format, you can set a different value. For example, you can specify${C}( ${F}.${L}) if you want to display ContactName( FirstName.LastName)

Pattern for contact search result list

${N} -: Name

${C} -: ContactName

${U} -: FullName

${F} -: FirstName

${L} -: LastName

Data Source Provider: src.enabledProviders=sm For Service Manager, do not change this parameter value.
Support Catalog: Change true to false if you want to prevent users from requesting support for an item that is not in the Support Catalog.
Subscriptions: A value of true enables the Subscriptions tab. Change the value to false to hide the Subscriptions tab.
Support: A value of true enables the Support tab. Change the value to false to hide the Supports tab.
Services: A value of true enables the Services tab. Change the value to false to hide the Services tab.
Search Sort Order:

HIT_ASC displays results by relevance in ascending order.

HIT_DESC displays results by relevance in descending order.

ALPH_ASC displays results in ascending alphabetic order.

RequestFor Editable: src.requestedFor.editable=false Disables the RequestFor field of a Service item checkout panel. The default value is false. To enable the RequestFor field in the checkout panel, set this property to true.
Use price for service src.service.enablePrice=true A value of true enables the price for service (include the field of cost/recurringPrice/recurringPer) Change the values to false to hide all of price information.
Use Journal Updates for service A value of true enables the Journal Updates for service. Change the value to false to hide Journal Updates information.
Use Journal Updates for support A value of true enables the Journal Updates for support. Change the value to false to hide Journal Updates information.
Your Service Requests menu for the Request Inbox





A value of false hides the menu item in the Request Inbox.

Service menu of the "Your Requests" widget





A value of false hides the menu item in the Your Requests widget.

Note As widget layout design and widget height limitation, you can not set more than two menu items true.

Request button visibility for Service

src.ui.service.enableDirectRequest=true A value of false hides the Request buttons in the Search and Browse list views of the Service section.

Request button visibility for Support A value of false hides the Request buttons in the Search and Browse list views of the Support section.

Enable Line Items status

src.ui.service.enableLineItemStatus=true A value of false hides the Line Items status.

Enable Auto-complete

src.ui.enableAutoComplete=false Enables or disables the auto complete feature in the search box.

Enable Recurring Cost Indicator


Enables the indicator for the recurring cost flag on the Request Inbox list.

Tip If you encounter any performance issue in retrieving approval the Request or Interaction Inbox, set this parameter to false to hide the indicator. Confirm your business requirements before you set this to false.

Additional Contact Information,F,L,E

You can specify addition contact info which should display under the contact name as follows:

N -: FullName
F -: FirstName
L -: LastName
E -: E-mail address

If you do not wish to use any additional info, you can comment out this line by using the preceding pound (#) character.

enableFrame src.enableFrame=false Specify whether to enable or disable embedding of SRC within standard HTML Web pages by using the FRAME html tag.
Disable custom field cache src.disableCustomFieldCache=false

Enable or disable custom fields cache. The default value is false which means the cache is enabled and custom fields are pre-loaded when the SRC server starts up.

Note Disabling the cache may impact SRC performance.

Disable catalog item detail cache src.disableCatalogItemDetailCache=false

Enable or disable catalog item details cache. The default value is false which means the cache is enabled and item details (including user selection) are cached and shared after the first use by a user.

Note Disabling the cache may impact SRC performance.

Enable queryHash src.enableQueryHash=true

Enable or disable the optional hash key used to encode the URL query. The hash key prevents users from modifying the URL query to view other portions of SRC.

The default value is true which means the hash key is enabled.


Security Mode:

Choose your security method from the following list to define the communication method between SRC and SM. To specify the security mode, remove the pound sign (#) from the security mode that you want to use, and make sure that a pound sign (#) precedes the other security modes. See the following example, which specifies LW-SSO as the security mode:
SSO Enabled:

Specify whether SSO (Single Sign-On) is enabled.

Note If you change this flag to true, the value must be either LW-SSO or TSO. If you specified, do not change this parameter value to true.

Secure Login: Control the encryption of network communication between the browser and the application server. Set to false if you do not use SSL connection to the web server.
SSL Port: Set the correct value according to your current web server configurations.
Remember Login User Name: src.enableRememberLoginUserName=false Specify whether the "remember login" feature is enabled or disabled in user login panel.

Trusted Sign-On

Trust Store: src.trustStore=

A valid path entry for Windows servers cannot contain blank spaces.

For example, C:\\Program Files\\... is an invalid path notation, and C:\\PROGRA~1\\... is a valid path notation.

Note Separate each segment of the path with a double backslash (\\), as shown in the following example:


Trust Store Password: src.trustStorePassword=

Specify the trust store password:


Note Preceding asterisks (*) will be added before this parameter during SRC startup. The value of this parameter is encrypted, and one random key used for the encryption is added. If you want to update TSO certification and change the password, remove the asterisk and replace the encrypted string with a new password. Remember to remove the random key and its value as well.

Key Store: src.keyStore=

Specify the correct path to the key store:


Key Store Password: src.keyStorePassword=

Specify the keyStorePassword.


Note Preceding asterisks (*) will be added before this parameter during SRC startup. The value of this parameter is encrypted, and one random key used for the encryption is added. If you want to update TSO certification and change the password, remove the asterisk and replace the encrypted string with a new password. Remember to remove the random key and its value as well.

CAC Specify whether Common Card Access is enabled (CAC)

Native upload

When this parameter is set to true, you can:

  • Avoid authentication issues with Flash that occur under certain SSO scenarios (using NTLM or Kerbose).
  • Avoid the session token to be visible in the URL of uploading.

Note This loading progress bar animation is no longer displayed properly if this parameter is set to true.

Encryption Mode: src.encryption.LWCrypto.enable=true

Change the encryption method mode for the src.trustStorePassword and src.keyStorePassword parameters.

true use the LWCrypto AES algorithm (LWCrypto by default)

false use the encryption algorithm for FIPS (AES 256-bit). To use this algorithm, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). You can download the JCE from the Oracle web site.

Random Key: randomRawKey=

Specify the value of the random key used to secure data after the encryption.

Note Do not modify the value of this key since it is auto-generated. If you want to update TSO certification and change the password, remember to remove the random key and its value as well.


Refresh: src.refreshCatalogAfterEvery=1800 Specify the delay in seconds between each full catalog refresh. For example, 1800 is equivalent to 30 minutes (60 * 30 = 1800).
Fallback: Use the logged in user catalog if the Request For user has no contact record. HP recommends that you do not change this value to false.
Max Connections per Host: Specify a value between 25 to 60 depending on the projected user traffic. Increase this value by 10 for each additional Service Manager node. Do not exceed 60 regardless of the number of Service Manager nodes. For example, if there are more than six Service Manager nodes supported by a load balancer, set this value to 60.
Max Total Connections: Specify the maximum number of total connections.
Retry: Specify the number of times to try to connect to SM.
Timeout: Specify the value before a connection times out (in seconds).
Initialization: src.initCatalogDelay=15 Specify the delay before the catalog is initialized (in seconds).
Task Delay: src.scheduledTaskInitialDelay=30 Specify the delay before scheduled tasks begin running (in seconds).
Exchange Rate Delay: src.refreshExchangeRatesAfterEvery=21600

Configure the delay between each scheduled run to refresh exchange Rate (in seconds).

Note The default value is 6 hours * 60 seconds * 60 minutes = 21600 seconds.

Disable the Delivery Targets drop-down list src.hideDeliverySLA=false Hide or display the Delivery Targets drop-down list globally in SRC. The default value is false, which means the Delivery Targets drop-down list is displayed.
Enable queryHash src.enableQueryHash=true Enable or disable queryHash for SRC link. The default value is true which means queryHash is enabled. You can set the parameter to false to disable queryHash.

Knowledge Management

KM Enabled: Specify whether Knowledge Management is enabled. The default value is false. Change to true to enable KM.
KM Connections Per Host: km.defaultMaxConnectionsPerHost=1 The default value is 1. The number must be greater than 0.
Total Number of KM Connections: km.maxTotalConnections=2

The default value is 2. The number must be greater than 0.

Refresh KM Stop Words:

Stop words are words that KM ignores during searches, such as the word "the."

SRC caches KM stop words and refreshes that cache at specified intervals (in seconds). The default value is 600 seconds.

Refresh KM Attachments

SRC caches attachments and refreshes that cache at specified intervals (in seconds).

Example: 6 hours * 60 seconds * 60 minutes = 21600 seconds. The default value is 600 seconds.

KM Configuration:

The search results page displays results by type. Specify which results pane should appear in the center of the page. You may set this value as shown in the following:

Service Catalog=service

Support Catalog=support

Knowledge Management=knowledge

The default behavior is to display the Service Catalog results in the center of the page.

KM Doctype cache refresh: Specify the duration to wait to refresh the KM doctype cache (in seconds).


Step 5. Configure the java options for Tomcat

To configure the Java options, follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to this Apache Tomcat installation directory.


  2. Double-click this application to display the Apache Tomcat 9.0.x Properties dialog:


  3. Click the Java tab.
  4. In the Java Options text box, look for a the Java MaxPermSize variable. If you cannot find it, type the new variable and set this value as a minimum:


  5. Increase the amount of Java Virtual Machine memory to avoid out of memory error messages. Change the value of the Intial memory pool and the Maximum memory pool to 1024.
  6. Click OK.


Note The following only provides you one of the methods to configure the Java options. For more methods, refer to the Apache Tomcat site:

  1. Navigate to this Apache Tomcat installation directory by running the following command:

    cd opt/.../apache-tomcat-9.0.x/bin

  2. Create a new shell script file named

  3. Copy the following settings to the file:

    JAVA_OPTS='-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx1024m '

    Note You can increase the amount if you have some other applications running in this container.

  4. Save your changes.