Managing shared content

In Knowledge Management, shared content can be a file that is shared by many document views. This type of shared content is referred to as system-managed shared content. Examples of this type of shared content are an image file used as a logo on the document view or a text file such as a copyright notice or license agreement.

The Manage Shared Content function helps you to manage your system-managed shared content by providing a search function, an add function, delete function, and a save function. Shared content cannot be updated. If you need to modify a file being used as shared content, you should rename the file, make the changes and then add it as a new file. You can then delete the original file.

All shared content is assigned an ID by the system. You can assign it a name and description when you are adding it to the system. Each shared content item must have a unique ID, which means that you can only add one item of shared content for each ID.

Add new shared content

User roles: KM Admin, System Administrator

In Knowledge Management, shared content can be a file that is shared by many document views. This type of content is referred to as system-managed shared content. Examples of this type of shared content are an image file used as a logo on the document view or a text file, such as a copyright notice or license agreement.

To add new shared content, follow these steps:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Configuration > Shared Content.
  2. Click New to create the new shared content.
  3. Type a Name and Description for the shared content.
  4. Specify an attachment by doing one of the following:
    • For Web Tier clients: Click Specify File, type the full path of the file in the File location text field or browse to the file, and then click OK.
    • For Windows clients: Right-click in the Select a single attachment below to add to system-managed shared content field, click Add, browse to the file, and then click Open.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click OK.