Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledege Management Workflows and Tasks > Maintain and Continually Improve Knowledge (ST 7.3)

Maintain and continually improve knowledge (ST 7.3)

The Maintain and Continually Improve Knowledge process involves the following tasks:

  • Records the details of new knowledge (documents)
  • Updates existing knowledge (documents) where there is any inaccuracy or incompleteness
  • Removes obsolete knowledge (documents)

The process is performed by the Knowledge Contributor, Knowledge Analyst, Knowledge Expert, or Knowledge Manager.

Retire a knowledge document

User roles: KCSII, KCS III, KM Admin, System Administrator

Before you can retire a document, the system verifies that there are no published documents that link to the document you want to retire. If the system finds documents with links to the document you want to retire, it alerts you to this situation and gives you the option of putting these documents into the document workflow to review and update.

To retire a knowledge document, follow these steps:

  1. Before retiring a document, be sure to update any documents that link to the document you wish to retire.
  2. Click Knowledge Management > Published Documents.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the document that you wish to retire from the list of documents.
  5. Click Retire.

Retire a knowledge document when other documents link to it

User roles: KCSII, KCS III, KM Admin, System Administrator

Before you can retire a document, the system verifies that there are no published documents that link to the document you want to retire. If the system finds documents with links to the document you want to retire, it alerts you to this situation and gives you the option of putting these documents into the document workflow to review and update.

Note The alert message includes the document IDs of the documents that need to be updated and placed in the Pending Documents queue. If you click OK, it then places those documents in the Pending Documents queue.

To retire a knowledge document when other documents link to it, follow these steps:

  1. Review the Pending Documents queue and select the documents for editing. You can identify the documents by the document ID, which appears in the title column of the list of document changes in the Pending Documents queue. These documents also have a standard feedback message: "This document links to another document (KMnnn) that was attempted to be retired. Please review now." added by the system.
  2. From the Pending Documents queue, you can edit each document to remove any links to documents you want to retire, and then publish the edited document.
  3. Return to the Published Documents list and select the document you want to retire.
  4. Click Retire.

Unretire a knowledge document

User roles: KCSII, KCS III, KM Admin, System Administrator 

A user with a KM ADMIN profile can view and unretire a document that does not have a category associated with it. If the KM ADMIN unretires a retired document without a category, the document is put in the workflow as a draft document.

To unretire a knowledge document, follow these steps:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Retired Documents.
  2. Select the document from the list of documents.
  3. Click Unretire.