Develop > Tailoring > Windows client > Preferences > Setting Windows client preferences from the server

Setting Windows client preferences from the server

You can define global Windows client preferences from the sm.ini file available in the RUN folder of your Service Manager server installation. The client parameters you define in this file override any individual client preferences. You must have administrative access to the server operating system to set Windows client preferences using client parameters.

Set Windows client preferences from the server

You must have administrative access to the server operating system to use this procedure.

To set Windows client preferences from the server:

  1. Review the list of client parameters for Windows clients and determine which parameters you want to define from the server.
  2. Open the sm.ini file in a text editor.
    This file is located in the RUN folder of your Service Manager server installation.
  3. Add or edit the client parameters for Windows clients.
  4. Save the file.
    All Windows clients that log in to the Service Manager server use the new client parameters you defined.

Related topics

Client parameters for Windows clients