Define Process Targets

Applies to User roles: System Administrator, Administrator

You define a Process Target to specify the maximum allowable amount of time for a response to a business event.

To define a Process Target, follow these steps:

  1. Click Service Level Management > Agreements > Process Targets
  2. Fill in all the required fields for the new service level target.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click OK.

Define Service Level Targets in the SLT Catalog

You can also use the wizard in the SLT Catalog to create a Process Target.

To define a Process Target by using the SLT Catalog wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Click Service Level Management > Agreements > SLT Catalog.
  2. Click More, and then select Create SLT using Wizard.
  3. In the SLT Type field, select Process, and then click Next..
  4. Continue providing the applicable information and clicking Next for each wizard form until you have created a Process Target.

    You receive a message that states the new service level target catalog record is added.