Use > JMX Reference > Introduction > Java JMX Access Hardening > (Suite Only) Set IPs for Access to the UCMDB JMX Console in Service Management Automation (SMA) Suite

(Suite Only) How to Set IPs for Access to the UCMDB JMX Console in Service Management Automation (SMA) Suite

When using UCMDB in the Service Management Automation (SMA) suite mode, you can allow only the configured IP to access the UCMDB server JMX Console.

Note You must have administrator privileges to make this change.

To do so,

  1. From UCMDB UI, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager.

  2. Locate the Set IP which is allowed to access JMX console in SMA suite mode setting.

    For example, you can select Name for Filter by column, and then type IP in the text field to locate the setting.

  3. In the Value column, specify the IP that you want to allow access to the UCMDB server JMX Console.

    Note Only one IP can be set.

  4. Restart the UCMDB server.