Use > Configuration Manager > Appendixes > Utilities > Import Configuration Set

Import Configuration Set

The import configuration set utility enables you to import a configuration set dump file into an instance of Configuration Manager. Importing a configuration set is useful, for example, when migrating to a different environment, for example, from staging/test to production.


  • This functionality is also available within the Configuration Manager UI. and it is recommended to use the UI option which also performs validations on the imported configuration set.

  • The imported configuration set is given the name of the dump file. The configuration set name is unique which means that it is not possible to import the same dump file name twice.

To import a configuration set:

  1. Although the server may be up when using this utility, it is recommended that you first stop all running instances of Configuration Manager, since some of the configurations may require a system-wide restart.

  2. Run the following command:

    <Configuration_Manager_installation_directory>\bin\import-cs.bat <database properties> <dump file name>

    where <database properties> can be specified by pointing to the location of the file or by specifying each database property.

Following are the command line <options>:

Option Description
--activate Activate the imported configuration.

Database connection URL

Note Use this only if -p is not used. Use it with --dialect, --driver, --username and --password.


Database dialect

Supported dialects: H2Dialct, SQLServerDialect, Oracle9iDialect, Oracle10gDialect

Note Use this only if -p is not used. Use it with --connection-url, --driver, --username and --password.


Database driver class name. For example: org.h2.Driver, net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.

Note Use this only if -p is not used. Use it with --connection-url, --dialect, --username and --password.

-f <filename>

--file <filename>

Dump file name

Note This option is required



Usage message

-p <file>

--database-properties <file>

Location of the file.

Note This option is required unless you use --connection-url, --driver, --username and --password to specify the database properties.


Database password

Note Use this only if -p is not used. Use it with --connection-url, --dialect, --driver and --username.


Database username

Note Use this only if -p is not used. Use it with --connection-url, --dialect, --driver and -password

--verbose Verbose mode

To import a configuration set:

<cm-install>\bin\import-cs.bat -p < location> -f <dump filename>

For example, to import a configuration set dump file called

cd <CM installation home>\bin
import-cs.bat -p ..\conf\ -f