Use > Database > Deploying the Microsoft SQL Server Database > How to Connect UCMDB Server to the Microsoft SQL Server Database with TLS Enabled

How to Connect UCMDB Server to the Microsoft SQL Server Database with TLS Enabled

To connect UCMDB server to the Microsoft SQL Server database with TLS enabled, follow these steps:

  1. Install the UCMDB Server, without configuring the UCMDB Schema. For detailed information about how to install the Universal CMDB server, see the interactive Universal CMDB Deployment Guide.
  2. Open a command line window and execute the following command on the local UCMDB (to import the certificate used to enable TLS on the MSSQL Database):


    C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -keystore C:UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\lib\security\cacerts -trustcacerts -file <UCMDB Installation Folder>\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\<certificate_name>.cer


    From /opt/UCMDB/UCMDBServer/bin/jre/bin, run the following command:

    ./keytool -import -keystore C:UCMDB/UCMDBServer/bin/jre/lib/security/cacerts -trustcacerts -file <UCMDB Installation Folder>/UCMDBServer/bin/jre/bin/<certificate_name>.cerme>.cer
  3. At the command line prompt "Trust this certificate?", enter yes.

  4. Go to <UCMDB_Sever>/conf and create a file named

  5. Add the following lines into the file, and then save the file:

    SQLServer = ddmssql
  6. Run the Configuration Wizard.

    Windows: Start > All Programs > UCMDB > Start Universal CMDB Server Configuration Wizard

    Linux: Run the <UCMDB_Server>/bin/ script

  7. Follow the wizard steps, and connect the UCMDB Server to the Microsoft SQL Server Database with TLS enabled.

  8. Start the UCMDB Server.