Checklist for Support and Certification

Information is provided in this section for both supported and certified Microsoft SQL Server options.

The certified options are recommended for working with Universal CMDB. Certified options are rigorously tested by quality assurance personnel. Supported options are those options for which quality assurance personnel have successfully performed basic tests.

Subject Microsoft SQL Server
Supported Recommended
Instances Default, Single
Authentication Mode Mixed, Windows

Case-insensitive. Universal CMDB does not support binary sort order and case sensitivity. Only case-insensitive order with a combination of accent, kana, or width settings is supported .

Use the Collation Settings dialog box to select the collation. Do not select the binary check box. Accent, kana, and width sensitivity should be selected according to the relevant data language requirements. The selected language must be the same as the OS Windows regional settings language.

Network Libraries

Server: TCP/IP and Named Pipes

Client: TCP/IP and Named Pipes

Server: TCP/IP

Client: TCP/IP

Server Configuration Options Defaults, unless instructed otherwise
Data File Properties Manual file growth, or FILEGROWTH less than or equal to 100 MB FILEGROWTH: ~30-100 MB
Collation Database Property Server default
Database Options Defaults, unless instructed otherwise
Recovery Model Any Full


  • For Turkish, the recommended collation is Turkish_100_CI_AS.
  • In case replication is enabled on Microsoft SQL database server, there can be issues when Content Pack is upgraded or JMX methods that change UCMDB DB tables are run.

    An example of error message from UCMDB logs is "Cannot drop the view 'view_name' because it is being used for replication."

    Every DB object (view/table) which is replicated cannot be changed/deleted. The solution is to temporarily disable the replication until the required DB changes are applied. The changes must be done by a Database Administrator.