Agent Installation Wizard

Enables you to install and configure the Universal Discovery Agent on a discovery node that is running Windows.

To access
  • Export the MSI package from the Package Manager. After the resource is deployed, double click ud-agent-win32-x86-<VersionNumber>.msi.
  • For details about how to export the package, see How to Export a Package.
Important Information
  • This MSI installer can be run on Windows computers only. Additionally, the Windows computer must be running Microsoft Installer version 2.0 or above.

  • There are two operational modes that are available-Complete Installation mode or Software Utilization mode. The mode that you select determines which pages are displayed.

  • If the Universal Discovery Agent is already installed on the computer, the wizard starts at the Uninstall Options Page.

  • For more information on using command line parameters to configure unattended deployments of Universal Discovery Agents, see Universal Discovery Resources for Windows.
Relevant tasks How to Install the Universal Discovery Agent Manually
Wizard map

The Agent Installation Wizard contains:

Set Up Type Page > Agent Configuration for Complete Installation Page > Software Utilization Page > Uninstall Options Page > Uninstall Type Page

See also (Suite Only) Universal Discovery Agent Overview