Select Files Page

This page enables you to specify which files to use to teach the application.

Important information
  • At least one file must be selected.
  • To select all files, select the check box at the top.
  • Selecting a main file is recommended. Main files identify the application. An application can have multiple main files, but normally there is only one. If a Main file is found, the application is considered present.
Wizard map Select a Probe Page > Select an Application Page > Select Files Page > Select Application Details Page > Review Data Page > Summary Page
Relevant tasks How to Teach Applications Using Express Teaching Wizard
See also Express Teaching Overview

User interface elements are described as follows:

UI Element Description
File Name

Column. Names of files that are associated with the application.

Text Field. The name of the selected file.

File Size

Column. Size of the files (in kilobytes) that are associated with the application.

Text Field. The size of the selected file (in kilobytes).

Note  N/A appears when Care About Size is set to No.

Care About Size

Yes. The size of the file is used as a recognition criterion.

Default: Yes.

No. The size of the file is not used as a recognition criterion. As a result, only the match on the file name is needed to produce a successful file match. Moreover, the application is recognized only if the file is a main file.

Relation to App

Indicates the relationship between the file that is selected and the application.

By default, the first executable file that is found which is associated with the application is marked as Main.

  • Main. Indicates that an application is installed when this file is detected.
  • Associated. Indicates that a file may belong to an application but does not necessarily require a license.
  • 3rd party. Indicates a file that is included with the application but is produced by a third party.

File information tab

Displays detailed information about files for the selected unrecognized file in the top pane.

  • File Type. Type of the executable file. For example, Win32.exe, where exe is the file type.
  • Product Version. Application version number associated with the application.
  • Note  This may be different than the file version of the file that is associated with the application.

  • Product Name. Name of the application that is associated with the selected file.
  • File Version. Version number of the selected file.
  • Publisher. Publisher name that is associated with the selected file.
  • File Signature. A checksum of the first 8 kilobytes of a file.
  • Description. Additional information about the selected file.

File source tab

Displays the normalized list of scan file names that contain the selected unrecognized files.