Configure Filtering Using the globalFiltering.xml File

This document explains how to perform filtering using a manual method. If you want a UI-driven solution to performing this task, see Configure Filtering in UCMDB.


  • You can use regular expressions in filters.

  • Attributes in the filter should be of type string only. For details on CI attribute types, see Attributes Page.

  • You can use the "between" operator when filtering results, but only when the Object class is “ip_address” and the attribute name is “name”.
  • A result is considered to be a match only if all filter attributes have the same values as those in the CI. (If one of a CI's attributes is not specified in the filter, all the results for this attribute match the filter.)

  • A CI can match more than one filter. The CI is removed or remains according to the filter in which it is included.

  • Recursive Filtering. Using global filtering, you can filter out a CI so that it is not included in the filter results. This CI may be a root CI, containing other CIs or relationships. By default, during the filter process, the contained CIs and relationships, as well as any CIs related to them, are added to the filter results—including the root CI. This causes undesired filter results. Recursive filtering corrects this by ensuring that if a root CI is filtered out, then any contained CIs or relationships are filtered out too, such that the root CI cannot be found again.

    To enable recursive filtering:

    In the globalFiltering.xml file, under the resultFilters element, locate the recursiveFilter attribute. (If the recursiveFilter attribute does not appear, then you must add it.) Set the attribute value to true.

    Note: By default, recursive filtering is disabled, that is recursiveFilter = false.

  • DFM filters first according to the <includeFilter> and then applies the <excludeFilter> on the results of <includeFilter>.

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