
Storage crypto-properties. The configuration that defines how the server holds and encrypts the data (in database or file, which crypto-properties must encrypt or decrypt the data, and so on), how credentials are stored in a secure manner, how encryption is processed, and according to which configuration.

Transport crypto-properties. Transport configuration defines how the server and the clients encrypt the transportation between them, which configuration is used, how credentials are transferred in a secure manner, how encryption is processed, and according to which configuration. You must use the same crypto-properties for transport encryption and decryption, in both server and client.

Replications and replication crypto-properties. Data held securely by Confidential Manager is securely replicated between several servers. These properties define how the data is to be transferred between slave server and master server.


  • The database table that holds the Confidential Manager server configuration is named: CM_CONFIGURATION.

  • The Confidential Manager Server default configuration file is located in app-infra.jar and is named defaultCMServerConfig.xml.