Use > Modeling > Modeling > Enrichment Manager > Enrichment Manager User Interface > Query Node Definition - Advanced Attribute Dialog Box

Query Node Definition – Advanced Attribute Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to define query node and relationship attributes of the type String using simple or complex expressions. You can also create complex expressions using regular expression format.

To access Select an attribute of the type string in the Query Node Definition dialog box. Select Advanced and then click the Advanced button.
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See also

User interface elements are described below :

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Add. Enables you to define an attribute value using simple or complex expressions. Creates a new entry in the Type column. Click the new entry and select either Simple or By Attribute. For details, see the description for the Type column below.
Delete. Deletes the selected attribute value.
Up. Moves a selected row up.
Down. Moves a selected row down.
Advanced Value (This list is only available if you select By Attribute in the Type column.) Click the entry inside the box and select the required attribute.
Concatenate Use all the attribute values listed in this dialog box.
RegExp Group (This list is available only if you select By Attribute in the Type column.) Click inside the RegExp Group column, click the button, and enter the group number in the Value for RegExp Group dialog box that opens. This is the part of the regular expression pattern to focus on when creating the attribute. A set of parentheses ( ) constitutes a group.
Regular Expression

(This list is only available if you select By Attribute in the Type column.) Click inside the Regular Expression column, click the button, and enter the regular expression pattern in the Value for Regular Expression dialog box that opens.

For examples of how to use regular expression syntax, see Regular Expression Examples.


Click the entry inside the Type column and select one of the following options:

  • Simple. Define a constant value using a simple expression.
  • By Attribute. Define an attribute using attributes from other query nodes in the TQL.

Default is: Simple

Use first attribute with value Use the first attribute value listed in this dialog box that is not empty.
  • If you select Simple in the Type column, click inside the Value column, click the button, and enter the required value in the Value for Simple dialog box.

    Note If you define an attribute value using only one Simple expression, the Value column cannot be empty.

  • If you select By Attribute in the Type column, click inside the Value column and select the required value from the list.