Use > JMX Reference > Configuration Manager Methods > Configuration Manager Best Practices

Configuration Manager Best Practices

This section provides Configuration Manager related best practices.

Increase TQL Fuses/Capacity When Installing Configuration Manager on an Environment with a Huge Number of CIs

When Configuration Manager is installed on an environment with a huge number of CIs, it might be possible that UCMDB is not accessible, even though UCMDB server is up and running and the status is "green", and that login is also possible but after that the java loads forever. This issue is caused by the fact that the TQL getting the license capacity received a large number of CIs and those needed to be chunked.

You can resolve the issue by increasing the TQL parameters related fuses/capacity via JMX,

  1. Access the UCMDB JMX console: Launch a Web browser and enter the following address: https://<UCMDB machine name or IP address>:8443/jmx-console. You may have to log in with a user name and password (default is sysadmin/sysadmin).

  2. Locate UCMDB:service=Settings Services and click the link to jump to the Operations table.

  3. Locate the setSettingValue operation.

  4. To increase TQL parameters related fuses/capacity, invoke the setSettingValue method with the following parameters:

    • tql.max.result.size.layout.retrieval

      • customerID: 1
      • name: tql.max.result.size.layout.retrieval
      • value: 300000 (current value is 200000)
    • tql.resultutils.chunk.maxresultsize

      • customerID: 1
      • name: tql.resultutils.chunk.maxresultsize
      • value: 300000 (current value is 100000)
  5. Restart the server.