Use > Database > Deploying the Microsoft SQL Server Database > Creating and Configuring the Microsoft SQL Server Database > How to Connect UCMDB Server Container to Microsoft SQL Server Database with TLS Enabled

How to Connect UCMDB Server Container to Microsoft SQL Server Database with TLS Enabled

To do so, do the following:

  1. Prerequisites

    The Microsoft SQL Server to which UCMDB will connect needs to accept encrypted connections (TLS). For instructions about how to enable this, contact your DBA.

  2. On the master node (NFS server), create the file and add the following settings:

    SQLServer = ddmssql
  3. In the UCMDB yaml file, mount the certificate used to configure the Microsoft SQL Server Database to work secure and the file at:


    where <path_on_the_host> refers to the path of the UCMDB yaml file on the master node (NFS server).

  4. In the yaml file, add the command that executes the import into the UCMDB cacerts and then starts the server.

    entrypoint: bash -c "/ucmdb/bin/jre/bin/keytool -import -keystore /ucmdb/bin/jre/lib/security/cacerts -trustcacerts -file /ucmdb/conf/<certificate_name>.cer  -noprompt -keypass changeit -storepass changeit && /entrypoint/"