Managing Trigger Methods


Adds a new trigger CI to the specified job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
CIID The ID of the trigger CI.


Adds a new trigger TQL to the specified job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
TqlName The name of the TQL to add.


Prevents the TQL from triggering the job, but does not permanently remove it from the list of queries that trigger the job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
tqlName The name of the TQL.


Removes the specified CI from the list of CIs that trigger the job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
CIID The ID of the trigger CI.


Removes the specified TQL from the list of queries that trigger the job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
tqlName The name of the TQL.


Restrict the probes in which the TQL is active in the job to the specified list.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.
tqlName The TQL name.
probesLimit The list of probes for which the TQL is active.


Get the TQL from the job.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
JobName The name of the job.