The simplifiedConfiguration.xml File

This file is used for simple mapping of UCMDB classes to database tables. To access the template for editing the file, go to Adapter Management > db-adapter > Configuration files.

The simplifiedConfiguration.xml File Template

  • The CMDB-class-name property is the multinode type (the node to which federated CITs connect in the TQL):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <generic-DB-adapter-config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../META-CONF/simplifiedConfiguration.xsd">
        <CMDB-class CMDB-class-name="node" default-table-name="[table_name]">
            <primary-key column-name="[column_name]"/>
  • reconciliation-by-two-nodes. Reconciliation can be done using one node or two nodes. In this case example, reconciliation uses two nodes.

  • connected-node-CMDB-class-name. The second class type needed in the reconciliation TQL.

  • CMDB-link-type. The relationship type needed in the reconciliation TQL.

  • link-direction. The direction of the relationship in the reconciliation TQL (from node to ip_address or from ip_address to node):

    <reconciliation-by-two-nodes connected-node-CMDB-class-name="ip_address" CMDB-link-type="containment" link-direction="main-to-connected">

    The reconciliation expression is in the form of ORs and each OR includes ANDs.

  • is-ordered. Determines if reconciliation is done in order form or by a regular OR comparison.

    <or is-ordered="true">

    If the reconciliation property is retrieved from the main class (the multinode), use the attribute tag, otherwise use the connected-node-attribute tag.

  • ignore-case.true: when data in the UCMDB class model is compared with data in the RDBMS, case does not matter:

    <attribute CMDB-attribute-name="name" column-name="[column_name]" ignore-case="true" />

    The column name is the name of the foreign key column (the column with values that point to the multinode primary key column).

    If the multinode primary key column is composed of several columns, there needs to be several foreign key columns, one for each primary key column.

    <foreign-primary-key column-name="[column_name]" CMDB-class-primary-key-column="[column_name]" />

    If there are few primary key columns, duplicate this column.

    <primary-key column-name="[column_name]"/>
  • The from-CMDB-converter and to-CMDB-converter properties are Java classes that implement the following interfaces:

    • com.mercury.topaz.fcmdb.adapters.dbAdapter.dal.transform.

    • com.mercury.topaz.fcmdb.adapters.dbAdapter.dal.transform.

    Use these converters if the value in the CMDB and in the database are not the same.

    In this example, GenericEnumTransformer is used to convert the enumerator according to the XML file that is written inside the parenthesis (generic-enum-transformer-example.xml):

    <attribute CMDB-attribute-name="[CMDB_attribute_name]" column-name="[column_name]" from-CMDB-converter="com.mercury.topaz.fcmdb.adapters.dbAdapter.dal.transform.impl. GenericEnumTransformer(generic-enum-transformer-example.xml)" to-CMDB-onverter="com.mercury.topaz.fcmdb.adapters.dbAdapter.dal.transform.impl. GenericEnumTransformer(generic-enum-transformer-example.xml)" />

    <attribute CMDB-attribute-name="[CMDB_attribute_name]" column-name="[column_name]" />

    <attribute CMDB-attribute-name="[CMDB_attribute_name]" column-name="[column_name]" />




  • Can be used to map only TQL queries containing one node (in the database source). For example, you can run a node > ticket and a ticket TQL query. To bring the hierarchy of nodes from the database, you must use the advanced orm.xml file.

  • Only one-to-many relations are supported. For example, you can bring one or more tickets on each node. You cannot bring tickets that belong to more than one node.

  • You cannot connect the same class to different types of CMDB CITs. For example, if you define that ticket is connected to node, it cannot be connected to application as well.

Parent topic: Adapter Configuration Files