UCMDB Output Parameters

This section describes the most common output parameters of the service methods. For more details, refer to the schema documentation.


CIs is a collection of CI elements.


A ShallowRelation is an entity that links two configuration items, composed of an ID, a type, and the identifiers of the two items being linked (end1ID and end2ID). The relation type is the Type Name of the CMDB class from which the relation is instantiated. The type can be any of the relation types defined in the CMDB.


Topology is a graph of CI elements and relations. A Topology consists of a CIs collection and a Relations collection containing one or more Relation elements.


CINode is composed of a CIs collection with a label. The label in the CINode is the label defined in the node of the TQL used in the query.


RelationNode is a set of Relation collections with a label. The label in the RelationNode is the label defined in the node of the TQL used in the query.


TopologyMap is the output of a query calculation that matches a TQL query. The labels in the TopologyMap are the node labels defined in the TQL used in the query.

The data of TopologyMap is returned in the following form:

  • CINodes. This is one or more CINode.

  • relationNodes. This is one or more RelationNode.

The labels in these two structures order the lists of configuration items and relations.


When a query returns a large amount of data, the server stores the data, divided into segments called chunks. The information the client uses to retrieve the chunked data is located in the ChunkInfo structure returned by the query. ChunkInfo is composed of the numberOfChunks that must be retrieved and the chunksKey. The chunksKey is a unique identifier of the data on the server for this specific query invocation.

For more information, see Processing Large Responses and the schema documentation for ChunkInfo.