
The updateCIsAndRelations method updates the specified CIs and relations.

Update uses the property values from the CIsAndRelationsUpdates argument. If any of the CIs or relations do not exist in the CMDB, an exception is thrown.

CreatedIDsMap is a map or dictionary of type ClientIDToCmdbID that connects the client's temporary IDs with the corresponding real CMDB IDs. For details, see the schema documentation for ClientIDToCmdbID.

See the Update Example.


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
CIsAndRelationsUpdates The items to update. For details, see Update the CMDB.
ignoreValidation If true, no check is performed before updating the CMDB.
dataStore Changer information.


Parameter Comment
createdIDsMapList The list of client IDs mapped to CMDB IDs. For details, see addCIsAndRelations.