How to Write a Simple Java Web Service Client for UCMDB

The following is an example for a Web Service client.

  1. Inside the working directory, create a new folder WS_Demo\src, and switch to this folder.

    1. Create a new file named, and copy the content of the WebServiceAPI_Samples/WebServAPI_Example_Base_Class.html into this new file.

    2. Create a new file named, and copy the content of the WebServiceAPI_Samples/WebServAPI_QueryExample.html into this new file.

  2. Import the WS_Demo project using your favorite IDE.

    Add the following folders as 3rd party libraries:

    • C:\WS Client\build\lib\ - We need the UcmdbService-test-client.jar file from this folder.
    • C:\axis2-1.7.3\lib\ - We need all jars from this folder.